Marian Bantjes
Women graphic designers are hard to find. The graphic design industry is mostly lead by men. But one inspiring grahic designer artist that I found who happens to be a woman is, Marian Bantjes he design work incorporates elements of typography. Typography which is a personal favorite of mine, is the concept of design through the use of words; using words to illustrate your concept.

The artwork that Marian Bantjes, produces is quite complex yet inviting to the eyes of many. Unlike the Swiss design style which involves, simplicity. Her concepts mainly involve the viewer to actually read the artwork and look into its complexities to appreciate the overall concept of the design. Marian Bantjes has become a well known graphic designer who is paving the way for many women who have the desire to become a designer themselves.

Marian Bantjes provides many concepts most of which have a script feel to them. The use of swirls and circles gives her concepts a more feminine approach most of which you may not notice in the design industry these days. The use of these swirls provide a bit more of depth to her designs and also contrasts with her message intended thus, making the overall design concept readable and complex.