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Gary Thuerk, Mr. Spam World

VIVAnews -Gary Thuerk, Marketing Manager of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), an American computer company, on 3 May 1978 wanted to broadcast the news surrounding the sale of his company's newest Prime computer in Los Angeles and San Mateo, California.

Top Knowledge Carl Gartley, owner of the email account, he was sent on loan to Thuerk's spam first to the computer networks of universities and Government institutions, known as ARPAnet, which was the ancestor of the Internet network.

Then, there are thousands of people connected to the ARPAnet, and most of them are computer scientists.

Thuerk itself intends to send email invitations to all 400 members who live in the area of the ARPAnet on the West Coast United States.

However, instead of sending an email to each Member of it one by one, as is standard procedure when he decided to send one email to the rest of the 400 people.

Sontak, taken Thuerk ignite emotions in scientist community network ARPAnet. However, the efforts of Thuerk fruition, a number of victims that he send a ' spam first around the world ' was finally buy product sold his company. In fact, accessed from the Computer World, may 6, 2011, sales of spam that reaches the value 13 to 14 million US dollars.

' Crimes ' committed that Thuerk enshrined in a CBC television network impressions in entitled "SPAM: The Documentary." In addition, the ' innovation ' made by Thuerk also make it recorded in the Guinness World Records as the father of spammers.

When he did what he had done when it, unaware that his actions Thuerk is one action that changed the world of computers, especially the business world. As known, due to the manner of Thuerk, according to data of Symantec, about 80 percent of email sent around the world today is spam email.

However, in an interview, Thuerk claimed the current state is not guilty. "You can't blame Wright Brothers (inventors of airplane, red) due to the plane crash that happened today," he said.

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