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Found, ageless Sea Star

VIVAnews -disc-shaped animal researchers discovered in the Interior of the Pacific Ocean. Interestingly, animals that are presented in the journal Systematic Biology was his body never arrived at the phase of life as adults.

Sea star species that enter into the genus Xyloplax it lives under the sea in a region where small size it into profit. He was only diameter between 2 to 5 millimeters. It also does not have arms like that seen in adult sea stars.

"By staying small, this being able to get into the nooks and crannies for example gap wood where they could take a variety of things that are around him," said Daniel janies, Computational Biologist from Ohio State University, as quoted from LiveScience, may 5, 2011.

Researchers know that Xyloplax is echinoderm, a group of organisms including starfish, sea lilies, trepang, a fragile and pigs.

As with other echinoderm, Xyloplax have vacuum around her body that are useful for respiratory devices, movers, as well as a tool for holding. He also remained in a special cage until reaching the stage of childhood advanced to later released as an individual living encyclopedia.

However, the first found Xyloplax in 2010 in the waters of the Pacific Ocean at depths of approximately 2,200 meters has a life cycle such as disconnected. As a result, adults have a body that has not changed since he was in the stage of childhood.

For example, the hand of sea stars are generally grown in menyumbu like the radius of the wheel, as they grow from the stage of childhood into adulthood. But his circumference only Xyloplax are growing. Unlike sea stars are supposed to grow hands, he is not the case.

"Small sea star Xyloplax is that have the body structure and habitat of the weird," said Janies. "So oddly enough, we don't recognize it as the star of the sea until we know the genome and how it grows," he said. (umi)

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