VIVAnews -Researchers from the University of Cincinnati reveals a fairly alarming statistics. According to data collected, nearly 15 percent of stroke occurs when the patient is asleep. As a result, the risk of damage to the brain is so large because the patient could not get proper care in quick time.
As known, doctors usually provide care that is referred to as the tissue palsminogen a motivator for the, or landfill for the patients with stroke, in the first few hours after the attack. However, if the treatment is done more slowly, then the potential occurrence of complications in patients getting larger.
Researchers conduct observation of more than 1850 patients aged 18 years and over in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, United States. From observation, it is revealed that 273 patients had a stroke while they are asleep.
"Despite very difficult to know precisely when the stroke happened, calling medical personnel for emergency relief is very important," said Ausim Azizi, researchers from Temple University School of Medicine, as quoted from MedIndia, May 14, 2011.
Whatever happens, the best thing to do is go to the hospital. "There are currently imaging technology that can be used to show whether there is a network of the brain that wouldn't die together and can be saved," he said. (eh)