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The Provincial Government Of DKI Rambah Business KRL

VIVAnews -Government of Jakarta's mengririm letter to the Ministry of transportation funds to improve the service of the terkiat Railway Electrics (KRL). Repair service that truly are already approved by the Central Government, but a question of disbursement Fund there are still bureaucratic barriers, because the process of the Ministry of economy the Coordinator is long enough.

DKI Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo asserts that since the beginning of this year the Ministry of transportation has to bless coming that will join the Pemnda JAWA pengoperasikan role in order to improve services. KRL

"We're currently preparing LOCAL (Local owned enterprises) to play a role in pengoperasionalkan KRL. I can assure you if we prepare LOCAL currently has sufficient funds to invest in the field of railways, "said Fauzi Bowo on City Hall, Tuesday, July 26, 2011.

Fauzi expressed, it will continue to lobby the Kemenko Economy in order to immediately issue a decision. The reason, according to Fauzi, the sooner it was decided, the kian faster terselamatkannya service on KRL.

"If the party simply saying the service should be improved and addressed without doing any real action is useless to invest. Because that is the provincial government is ready to participate, "he asserted.

In the meantime, Assistant to the economy of the provincial Government of DKI, Hasan Basri Saleh explained, DKI wishes to invest in the field of railways not solely based on the for profit but as an attempt to improve the service saw over this is far from good.

"We are not seeking investment For profit alone, but would like to have all kinds of transportation there and able to work a maximum of melanyani of citizens of Jakarta and about. And it must be noted the main task of the public transport is the Ministry, "said Hasan.

According to him, for the current provincial Government of DKI can not talk a lot about investment plans, because the concept is still in the hands of Kemenko Economy to difinalkan.

"If you later have come out of the decision Kemenko the economy then the new look what can be done JAWA," she said.

Hasan reveals, the provincial Government of DKI still see if railways are already fairly well and have a double outer circumference at treak. Today the spotlight is a fleet of trains, stations and also a cross between trains and other vehicles, which would need to be made underpass or fly over.

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