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VIVAnews -according to research ever done, it was concluded that the rate of obesity among children who play video games and hooked watching television is higher than those who don't play video games.

But in a recent study conducted by Michigan State University team, United States, published in the Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, it plays video games and lingering roam the internet has nothing to do with children becoming obese.

Quoted from the New Scientist, April 28, 2011, on research, as many as 480 children aged 12 years collected. For the past three years, the children and their parents surveyed were as much as six times. In that time, participants were asked to answer questions surrounding the use of mobile phones, internet, and playing video games.

Researchers then records the value of the results of the test, high, weight, condition of socio economic and racial factors also measure ability and math, visual, and reading the children.

The result, found that the video game the same as the internet and the use of mobile phones, is not a factor that affects the weight or body-mass index (BMI). Thus, factors that influence it is race, age, and the socio-economic status.

Play the game also increases the ability of visual spatial children. They are many surf the Internet also has the ability to read better. However, a habit that could affect their grades in school and tend to lose a sense of confidence.

• VIVAnews

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VIVAnews -Adam Boesel, a former elementary school teacher from Seattle to modify the Green Microgym, gym. He managed to take advantage of visitors that exercising there to supply electricity for the operation of the building.

Exploit generator, Boesel has transformed the static bicycle which he provided there to generate electricity. Bike-bike also he offers on those who want to have.

"Most people can produce electricity between 50 to 150 Watts while exercising," Boesel said, as quoted from DailyMail, April 29, 2011. "Electricity generated it helps to supply energy for the lights, fan, music player, and flat-screen TV at the gym," he said.

Since being able to "produce" electricity, electricity account Boesel mention, should he pay down up to 60 percent. In total, the Centre of kebugarannya also now 85 percent more efficient than other fitness center in the same scale. "One of our goals is to educate the public to keep the environmental sustainability," said Boesel.

Boesel mentions, since 2009, the center of the kebugarannya provides up to 36 percent of electricity needs or 37 thousand kilowatts. This is equivalent to about 37 tons of exhaust emissions or save approximately 131 thousand kilometres drive, or save an area of 60 square kilometers.

In the Green Microgym area of about 280 square meters, Boesel also put up solar panels, environmentally friendly flooring and recycled toilet paper.

• VIVAnews

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Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon, French-Bread
Genre : Visual novel, 2D fighting game
Platform : Windows PC
Released : May 2004
Status : Completed
Uploader : carefree

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Melty Blood : ReACT Part 1
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 2
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 3
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 4

Inormasi :

Developer : Type-Moon, French-Bread
Genre : Visual novel, 2D fighting game
Platform : Windows PC
Released : December 2002
Status : Completed
Uploader : carefree

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Melty Blood Part 1
Melty Blood Part 2
Melty Blood Part 3

Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon
Publisher : Type-Moon
Genre : dojin, eroge, Visual novel
Rating : Ages 12 and over
Platform : PC - NScripter / KiriKiri engine
Released : January 2001
Status : Completed
Uploader : Atse

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Tsukihime Plus Disc Download

Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon
Publisher : Type-Moon
Genre : Dojin, Eroge, Visual novel
Rating : Ages 18 and over
Platform : PC – NScripter engine
Released : December 2000
Status : Completed
Uploader : bluespidey, kzha(English Patch)

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Tsukihime Download
Tsukihime English Patch V1.1

Informasi :

Directed by : Shinsuke Takizawa
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : February 2, 2011
Status : Completed
Uploader : 66

Review :

Mikiya berjalan sepanjang jalan pada malam bersalju seperti ketika ia pertama kali bertemu Shiki. Ia menemukan Shiki berdiri persis di mana ketika mereka pertama kali bertemu bertahun-tahun lalu. Shiki menjelaskan kepadanya bahwa ia mempunyai kepribadian ganda. Ini bukan Shiki yang Mikiya temui bertahun tahunyang lalu. Setelah menjelaskan, ia berencana untuk tidak akan mengingat hari ini sama seperti dia tidak pernah ingat malam mereka pertama kali bertemu.

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Kara no Kyoukai : Epilogue Download

Informasi :

Directed by : Shinsuke Takizawa
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : August 8, 2009
Runtime : 121 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Ini aalah kelanjuta dari Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 6, serentetan baru pembunuhan ganas telah tertangkap.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 7 Dowload

Informasi :

Directed by : Takahiro Miura
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 20, 2008
Runtime : 59 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Cerita dimulai dengan pengantar dari Kokuto Azaka tentang siapa dia dan bagaimana dia berencana untuk mendapatkan Mikiya sebagai kekasihnya. Setelah itu, Shiki dikirim ke sekolah Azaka's, Akademi Reien selama liburan musim dingin dalam rangka untuk membantu menyelidiki serangkaian laporan tentang pencurian, dan kasus bunuh diri yang mencurigakan.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 6 Download

Informasi :

Directed by : Takayuki Hirao
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : August 16, 2008
Runtime : 115 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Di tengah malam, Tomoe Enjou menusuk orangtuanya sampai mati, sebelum melarikan diri ke apartemennya, dia sangat panik. Tidak lama setelah itu, seorang pencuri tunawisma menemukan tubuh mereka, tetapi ketika dia kembali dengan polisi, sunguh mengejutkan, ia menemukan mereka dengan keadaan sehat senantiasa.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 5 Download

Infomasi :

Directed by : Shinichi Takiguchi
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : May 24, 2008
Runtime : 50 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader: gg-TakaJun

Review :

Setelah kejadian di film kedua, Shiki sedang dibawa oleh ambulans ke rumah sakit di mana dia berada dalam keadaan koma. Mikiya sering menjenguknya, meninggalkan karangan bunga mawar. Waktu berlalu, dan Mikiya pun telah lulus dari sekolahnya dan Mikiya sekaran berkerja di Toko Aozaki.

Selama Shiki berada dalam keaaan koma, ia bertemu dengan temannya. Setelah dua tahun, Shiki akhirnya bangun dari koma-nya. Namun, pada saat ini Shiki tidak ingat nama Mikiya. Ketika dia melihat buket berisi mawar, Shiki menyadari kemampuan baru Shiki, Shiki mampu melihat setiap celah pada mereka dan pada dirinya sendiri, sebuah pengelihatan yang luarbiasa yang tidak dimiliki orang biasa, namun engan kemampuan tersebut, shikimasmih merasa kebingungan dan ktakutan akan kekuatan yang diapatnya.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 4 Download

Informasi :

Directed by : Mitsuru Obunai
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : January 26, 2008
Runtime : 56 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Seorang gadis remaja yang bernama Fujino Asagami, sedang diperkosa oleh geng jalanan di bar, setelah sekelompok geng tersebut meperkosanya, merekapun meninggalkan Fujino sendirian. Pada malam itu, Mikiya menemukan Fujino kebingungan sambil berjongkok di sebuah gang, Fujino berkaa bahwa perutnya kesakitan. Mikiya membawanya ke apartemen. Keesokan paginya, Mikiya terbangun dan mengetahui bahwa Fujino telah hilang dan pada saat yang sama, ada berita laporan adegan pembunuhan di sebuah bar bawah tanah di mana mayat korban ditemukan dengan kaki mereka robek.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 3 Download

Informasi :

Directed by : Takuya Nonaka
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 29, 2007
Runtime : 58 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Pada malam hari, seorang pria tersandung saat ia berjalan dalam ketakutan dari seseorang yang mencoba untuk membunuhnya, Siki dan Mikiya menemukan pria tersebut telah mati tertusuk pisau, namun siapa yang melakuka pembunuhan tersebut ?. Keesokan harinya, Mikiya Shiki menceritakan tentang pembunuhan itu, tetapi Shiki tidak senang. Ketika polisi menemukan mayat keempat, karena dengan ditemukannya mayat ke empat, kegiatan sekolah untuk semntara di hentikan. Pada malam harinya, Shiki menemukan mayat kelima. Pembunuhan ini terus berlanjut,apakah shiki bisa memecahkan misteri di balik pembunuhan ini ?

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 2 Download

VIVAnews -geographically, the Iran surrounded by mountains and divided into a number of dry Valley. Dasht-e Lut, a desert of salt in southeastern Iran is one of the largest desert basin.

The desert has a length of about 480 kilometers and a width of 320 kilometers. In total, the vast area of Dasht-e Lut reached about 51800 square kilometers.

Dasht-e Lut Desert Valley is also the most dry and hot in the world. According to a NASA satellite, there is one area where the temperature of the surface never reached 71 degrees Celsius. This is the most high temperature records that ever happened in the Earth's surface.

The area was called Gandom Beriyan (wheat terpanggang), the wide reach of about 480 square kilometers. As quoted from Earth Snapshot, April 27, 2011, the cause of the high temperature in the region is because of its surface covered by lava of the volcano.

The dark layer absorbs more sunlight. Due to the difference in temperature with the region that have different heights around it, in the region formed a wind tunnel.

The eastern part of Dasht-e Lut is a plain filled with salt. In the middle of the comrades is the mountains and parallel grooves carved naturally by the wind the long reach of 150 kilometers and a height of up to 75 meters.

This area is also full of ravines and sinkholes. In the Southeast, there is a vast desert with dunes that reach an altitude of 300 meters. Sand dunes in the area is one of the highest in the world.

• VIVAnews

Peliculas Online

Informasi :

Directed by : Ei Aoki
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 1, 2007
Runtime : 48 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Shiki dan Toko baru-baru ini mendiskusikan insiden bunuh diri yang tidak biasa yang dialami beberapa siswa perempuan dari sekolah tinggai (sma). Pada malam hari, Shiki berjalan jalan sampai mengunjungi suatu tempat yang gelap di kota itu, didekat gedung Fujō shiki tersandung oleh sesuatu,ketika dilihat,ternyata shiki tesanung oleh tubuh seseorang yang baru meninggal, selain iu, shiki juga melihat beberapa hantu yang melayang di atas gedung Fujō.

Keesokan harinya, Shiki membicarakan soal apa yang dialaminya, tentang gedung itu, penampakannya serta angka-angka, catatan dan kenangan yang ditinggalkan oleh korban yang telah meninggal. Saat matahari terbenam, Shiki mengunjungi bangunan Fujō dan pertempuran penampakan misterius itu pun dimulai.

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Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners Download

VIVAnews -a group of researchers from United Kingdom to develop the tools talk. With this tool, the larynx, or the base of his throat was appointed, either due to cancer or injury, could come back to talk.

As the informed, at this time, the larynx his appointed valves in his throat to redirect air from the lungs into the esophagus or esophagus. However, this became obsolete after the valve is used and should be replaced every few months.

Now, researchers found a successor who at once can detect and translate the movements of the face when someone tries to say a Word.

"We managed to take information from how they move the lips, teeth and tongue. From that information, we reconstruct their speech, "said Phil Green, researchers from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, as quoted from MedIndia, April 26, 2011.

The device itself using a small magnet placed inside the mouth and tongue to form a magnetic field. The Sensor then mounted on the external headset devices to detect changes in the magnetic field inside the mouth while patients attempt to pronounce sentence. "So far, the systems we create is only about 50 new recognize only words," said Green.

However, the addition of the vocabulary is not to be the next target of the investigators. "The plan is going to do next is developing a magnet that can be installed in the tongue," said James Gilbert, Chairman of the team of researchers from the University of Hull.

In addition, Gilbert said, his team also target to reduce the size of the headset used as small as possible. Possibility of Bluetooth devices.

• VIVAnews

Peliculas Online

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Megan Fox Transformers Promo PhotoshootMegan Fox got daring poses during the Transformers promo shoot. She looks so lovely in her red and white dresses with some cleavage visible. With the kind of hairstyle she has during the photo shoot, Megan Fox’s pretty face looks so inviting as if she is calling you to come closer and caress her. Love to see her in white dress showing her beautiful curves and perfectly contradicts with her skin color. She is also beautiful in red though, but I love her more in white. The Transformers was a great movie and I’m sure those who have watched it will definitely remember Megan.
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