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Jammed, Police Examine The Road Infrastructure

VIVAnews -Metro Polda Jaya Traffic Directorate has prepared a scenario to address congestion in Jakarta. One that will be applied is lowering the entire personnel was to regulate the density of traffic.

Deputy Director of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya Assistant Commissioner of police Tomex Korniawan said it has already done the anticipation of doing settings by maximizing officers around congested areas.

In addition, the police, as well as central Tomex examines the entire infrastructure and existing traffic facilities. "Not only light traffic, traffic engineering redenomination will be done thoroughly against the means and facilities such as the closure of the round (u turn), even the toll booth," he said, Friday, July 15, 2011.

According to him, nowadays many engineering road that was not in accordance with the conditions of the large number of vehicles in Jakarta. There are a few stretches of road that had been unable to accommodate any more. In fact, the more crowded the vehicles in circulation making some alternative way to Jakarta also has been solid.

Another way to reduce congestion and speed up the enactment of the electronic road pricing (ERP) or the road toll. "ERP is very effective for quickly implemented by the current state, where the number of vehicles increasing sharply," he's bright.

From the data that belongs to the Polda Metro Jaya, the number of vehicles with the growth of the roads are not comparable. Length of roads in Jakarta only 7650 km and vast 40.1 miles or 0.26% of the total area of Jawa. While the growth in the length of the road only 0.01% per annum. Not to mention the high numbers of travel in Jakarta who reached 20 million per day.

The head of the Department of transportation Jakarta Is Pristono says it has made several attempts to parse the bottleneck. One of them through operational restrictions for heavy vehicles passing the toll in the city during rush-hour as the morning and afternoon.

Other measures that had been prepared in order to limit the use of private vehicles i.e. through the implementation of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP). Plan of withdrawal system on these riders would levy imposed on roads that were previously in force 3 in 1, i.e. all the way 5316392, General Sudirman, MH Thamrin, Merdeka Barat, Majapahit, Gajah Mada, Hayam Wuruk, The Big South, Big Doors.

Is added, pending the legal umbrella of the ERP, the provincial Government of Jakarta and the Directorate of Traffic Police of the Metro Jaya chose to apply the system limitation of vehicle license plate numbers of vehicles with odd-numbered and colour of the vehicle.

All policies of the provincial Government of DKI is a long-term solution to reduce congestion. However, his side hope there is a policy that is significant enough to set the ownership of vehicles in Jakarta. "If our infrastructure is already pretty well convinced Jakarta, now further enhanced public transport problems," tukasnya. (eh)

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