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Pink Saturday

I'm sure once upon a time, I ran across a blog that was hosting a Pink Saturday party. I can't seem to find it so might have to start my own. Anyway here is some pink that tickled me!

I seriously am in love with this car. It was parked next to the thrift store where I was shopping. I would definately be seen in this. I think I would dye my hair pink to match.

This set of dishes was at the flea market where I got my funky chair. He wanted a hundred dollars for the set and about the same for the chair. I spent hours agonizing over which to get. Went home , thought about it some more, came back the next day, figuring if one was gone that would make my decision easier. They were both there still, so I went with the chair but took some pictures of the dishes so I could remember them. I don't know if the colour really comes through in the picture, but the patina of these dishes took my breath away. They looked like they were from the forties or so. If it had been a set of dinner dishes, I wouldn't have been able to resist them but as they are just a tea set and I don't really drink tea or coffee, I had to go with the chair being more useful. I still think these would have looked awesome displayed in my kitchen.

The chair
The Dishes

Let me know if you want to have a pink party, if so I will set that up for next week
Stay pink,

I am linking to Cindy's Show and Tell Friday
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