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Day 19: And heres the Anti-Climax

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." (Frank Lloyd Wright)

....Unremitting devotion...

Is one still unremittingly devoted if they, every once in a while, spend more time wandering around the house and making tea than they do painting? That was me today. I bought some Chai Tea from Trader Joe's and it was distracting me all day.

I spoke with my Mother on the phone today and she informed me that the 3-day combo blog I wrote last night made me sound like a lunatic. She wondered at how some days I am eloquent in my writing and some days I am grammatically incorrect in every other sentence, using incorrect articles and a plethora of cliches.

If you must know the truth, it is because when I spend all day painting I have no use at all of my verbal faculties by nightfall. My brain is mush.

When I spend all day fucking off and frivolously throwing random, incorrect colors on my canvas, I'm still raring to go at midnight. That and I feel like I am somehow compensating for a day of chaos by punctuating it with an eloquent piece of writing by night.

Also, my writing is more interesting when my life is less interesting. I have more time to think about what I want to say and less information to communicate, allowing my time to wax philosophical about things like colors, and relationships, and thai food.

Anyway, I think if I condensed all the time I spent painting today, it would have amounted to about six hours. Not horrible, but not great. My goal for tomorrow is to finish this new painting I started today, which is simple but nice if you like the isolation and sentimentality of an Edward Hopper painting.

On a happier note, I finished "The Brothers Karamazov" and I'll be happy if I never read that book again. I know that authors like Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens were paid per word so I understand the lengthiness of books like Les Miserables. But since I don't think that was the practice in 19th century Moscow, Doestoevsky, puh-lease. Is a 300 page court scene REALLY necessary? I hate to say it, but although I loved Crime and Punishment and gave you an A PLUS on that little morsel of genius, you only get a B for this one. Plus, I stamped your forehead.
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