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Truck Passing The Toll In The City Will Be Ditilang

VIVAnews -Directorate of traffic Polda Metro Jaya will menilang vehicle weight which forced entry toll roads In the city starting at 05: 00-22: 00 pm. Although there has been no decision from the Ministry of transportation, but vehicles weight restrictions policy has been decided to proceed.

According to the Director of the Traffic Police of the Metro Jaya, Commissioner Royke Lomowa, ticketed done because the trials had been completed and a decision has been dipermanenkan. "We will crack down on in the form of penilangan because it has been violated," said Royke told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, June 13, 2011.

Although still awaiting a decision, regulation to run the truck restriction Ordinance continues to do. When that decision has come out, will soon be installed signs prohibiting entry for heavy vehicles. "At least wait for the letter of the decision of the Director General of transportation by land," he said.

Currently, it is still discussed a legal product to guarantee a smooth system that aims to tackle congestion. As long as the restrictions imposed, there are five indicators of success have been achieved.

First, the speed of the vehicle in the toll increase, per hour. Second, the number of passengers on public transport also increased. Third, public transport income increased. Fourth, reduced fuel use, and the fifth, the productivity of work per individual increase as traffic jams began to diminish.

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