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Train tickets go up Almost 90% of greater Jakarta

VIVAnews -Electric Rail Trains operating Pattern will be modified beginning July 2, 2010. Express trains will be removed and replaced with a Commuter train will stop Jabodetabek nonsubusi at each station with a Single Operation.

With this new policy, the train ticket prices up nearly 90 percent. The rate of economic AC Depok-trains Bogor originally $ 500 and economic C Serpong-Tangerang-Bekasi, up from Rp4.500 to Rp8, 000

Is the train user community incorporated in KRLMania which continued to criticize this system changes. They will also continue to advocate for that service and fare better KRL have become more fair.

"Class Action can be, but it takes more concentration. Currently we do meetings with relevant and urgent Kemenhub consider that decision, "said Coordinator KRLmania, Nur Cahyo, contacted VIVAnews.comtime, Monday, June 13, 2011.

According to this community, with a single operation, the average travel time travel will gain 15-30 minutes. This shows that there are no improvements, but the decline in service.

"Is it logical called improvement if time tempuhnya the molor and more expensive tickets," said Cahyo.

However, Corporate Secretary of PT KAI Jabodetabek Commuter, Prosper Syaheran, make sure there is no increase in fare train. Economic train ticket does not change between Rp1.000-Rp2, 000. unless there is an adjustment of fares.

To rate the commuter line was set at Rp9, 000 to the route of the Bogor-Jakarta Kota and Rp8, 000 to the route of the Bekasi-Jakarta City as well as to routes Rp8 Manggarai-Serpong.

This change provided a Government backed by the target operator to be able to carry 1.2 million people per day at the end of 2014.

It takes around 1440 train cars, while the number of unit trains only 386 hopper. According to Prosper, the plan each year will be the addition of unit train cars as much as 150 units up to 2019. (umi)

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