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3 the most Prone Areas in Tangerang

VIVAnews – Three areas in Tangerang, Cipondoh, Benda, and Ciledug, mapped the area prone to murder cases, theft, violence, and theft of motor vehicles (curanmor). It was revealed by Kapolres Metro Area Commissioner Tavip Yulianto.

The high crime rate was the third region, caused by two factors. First, because the borders area of Jakarta. Second, because minimal illumination lights so that his condition is dark. "The three areas, namely, Cipondoh, Benda, and Ciledug most high numbers kriminalitasnya in comparison with other areas in the Metropolitan Area, Polres law" said Tavip, Wednesday, June 29, 2011.

"We've proposed to Tangerang Pemeritah to add a public street lighting lamps, with the aim of preventing acts of evil," said Tavip. In addition, the police also increased patrols around the use of cars and motorcycles.

However, Tangerang police do not reduce vigilance to secure other areas. "Although the third area is considered to be prone to crime, but for other areas, you're still doing surveillance and prevention," said he.

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