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Evaluation Limitation Truck covered in Kemenhub

VIVAnews -Office of Transportation Jakarta will expose the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the operational time limitation policy and heavy transport route switching on the highway In the city, to the Ministry of transportation (Kemenhub), Thursday afternoon, June 9, 2011.

Dishub Jakarta, head Is Pristono, say that in a meeting later, JAWA will fight to convince all parties that the policy of restriction of heavy vehicle could be patented.

"Anyway, we will fight hard to convince all parties that the policy was agreed patented," said Pristono.

During this limitation it has already been tested. And the results are good. Congestion is reduced. During trials the restriction of heavy vehicle through the toll that the agreed Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, PT Jasa Marga, the managers of the highway and the provincial Government of JAKARTA, will end Friday, June 10, 2011 tomorrow.

The public wants the policy restrictions continued on and was made permanent. This policy is very helpful for the citizens of Jakarta.

There are five indicators that will be displayed in the meeting coordination Kemenhub. Among them, a matter of increasing the speed of vehicles that average a rapid 53 kilometers per hour. Then an increasing number of users of public transport and bus Transjakarta, to 44 thousand people per day.

Another indicator is the application of this policy resulted in air pollution levels dropped significantly. Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) Jakarta was gathering data about the decline of this pollution.

The use of fuel oil (FUEL) is more efficient because the speed of the kendaraa remains. This condition takes a positive impact for a reduction in FUEL subsidies by the Central Government.

The last indicator, is the increase in the productivity of the community in movement activities and traffic flow more smoothly.

With the existence of this policy, Pristono has noticed there's been a change in the pattern of heavy transport run operations of highways In the city. Many heavy vehicles that are used to operate at 22: 00 to 05: 00.

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