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System Restrictions On Trucks Entering Stage Speeding Tickets

VIVAnews -Land Transport Minister Decree governing the system of limitation of heavy vehicles on toll roads In Jakarta already validated Transport Minister Freddy Numberi. Signs-traffic signs prohibiting trucks enter the toll in the city is about to be installed.

"Kepmenhub No. 62 Year 2011 on setting the Truck already signed June 20, yesterday," said the Director of Metro Polda Jaya Traffic, Commissioner Royke Lumowa, to

Once signed, the Director General of transportation Kepmen Army stay issued Decree to determine the number, shape, and location of traffic signs will be installed. Later the SK from Dishub to specify the installation of signs as a means of socialization limitation of heavy transport in highway in the city

Dissemination will be done over the past 30 days. After that the police will do penilangan on trucks and heavy transport vehicles that are still to be naughty. While waiting for the socialization of completed, discussion of legal products will continue to be resolved.

As long as the restrictions put in place, there are five indicators of success have been achieved. First, the speed of the vehicle in the toll increase, per hour. Second, the number of passengers on public transport also increased.

Third, public transport income increased. Fourth, reduced fuel use, fifth, and work productivity per individual increase as traffic jams began to diminish. (ren)

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