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Kapolda: Shooting in Bekasi Difficult Revealed

VIVAnews -police still investigating the shooting of Assistant Inspector (Aipda) Sugiantoro. The first officer was killed instantly after the diberondong of firearms during patrols on highways Mess AL, Kampong Raden, Jatiranggon, Jatisampurna, Bekasi, June 1, 2011.

Until now police belumdapat uncover the perpetrator. "Not-yet. Yet there is a point of light until now, "said Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General of the National Police Headquarters, Sutarman today.

According to Sutarman, police trouble due to lack of witnesses. "Witnesses saw nothing. Who see only our members, "he said.

Sutarman explains, the current new police could identify the car
that brought the perpetrator. "His car right identified though the number is
still not right, "he said.

The car, said Sutarman, is also being tracked by a natural occurrence
the police. "His car hit a shot. Maybe that's
one identity that we know, "he continued.

According to it is already checked out Kapolda to some car repair shop. But the result is null. Suspected perpetrators not save Sutarman car in the garage. "But stored in the garage, because as a result of the shot hole
It's pretty much our weapons, "said Sutarman.

However, he continued, the less likely the car outside Jakarta considering the number of holes the former shot.

The incident began when the victim is a member unit of ranmor Polres Bekasi City, and seven other members of Central patrol routine headed Assistant Superintendent A Nono in Telkom Jatiasih towards Jatiluhur towards Kranggan.

Arriving on the highway village of Raden, the members see any Toyota Innova black parked with suspicious position in front of the store Ongko Mulyo Heri. It was Senior Inspector Two Sugiantoro and Brigadier Head M Noah try approaching, suddenly the offender directly release a spate of firing toward the victim and his friend with a gun barrel lengths. Sugiantoro was killed instantly after a bullet pierced the bottom of the right eye and head.

Then the action of brutal perpetrator directly reply to Brigadier Agus Imran, Brigadier Ali, and Brigadier Ade Abdul Rahman who also shoot towards the perpetrators. However, short-barreled weapon that used the police only on glass-glass car the perpetrator. Police suspect the perpetrator was about to rob the Store Ongko Mulyo Heri, but it turns out that the action is first known to the members.

Aipda Sugiantoro left a wife and two children named Diah, Fael (9 years), and Dea, (5 years).

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