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Sutiyoso Of Jakarta Has Not Been Significant Changes:

VIVAnews -former Governor of Jakarta, Sutiyoso, have yet to see a change that means after the age of Jakarta entered 484. Many of the major problems that have yet to be resolved.

The issue in Jakarta is no stopping, while its function is to keep it running as it is still the center of life. This would later lead to Jakarta very loaded with problems. Moreover, that issue cannot be resolved on its own.

"It means there is a dependency of another person. Population e.g., remains to be hung with the Central Government. Each year must have been a lot of people come to Jakarta, if that's got skills do not matter, but that does not have a skill that's the problem, "said Sutiyoso to

His opinion, the Central Government also had an important role in support of equitable development successes in Jakarta. This is so that there is no unemployment, crime, and the beggar dijalanan.

Her view, the crucial problem that would not necessarily be resolved in the current chapter leadership, coordination between the Government of the province with the Central Government deems it highly lacking.

Sutiyoso exemplify, for 10 years headed the Jakarta, himself a frequent visitor to the big city and see the role of the Central Government in the city it is sustainable.

Leaders of the Jakarta is now asked to supple and capable of doing the coordination, both upward and upward. Since the start of a Mason led up to the President, and all the institutions of the country's high here as well.

"Because there is Muspida, which is important because we don't have troops, while the demo in Jakarta alone nearly 5,000 times over me so the Governor," Sutiyoso said. (ren)

Various problems Jakarta, especially transport, Sutiyoso suggested building a network of mass transportation that was designed before. "If the Government of Jakarta could now proceed, certain bottlenecks will unravel," he said.

Mass Rapid Transit or MRT for example, is regarded as an outlet for the solution to traffic congestion, even though it is not a priority. The sequence must begin with the construction of the busway line has been completed, the monorail, the MRT and the new waterway.

The high population of vehicle makes the traffic into the issue which is very heavy. While the construction of the road is only about 0.3 per cent, far below the vehicle population reached 11 per cent. When the vehicle left the continuous growth of the total congestion in 2012 will actually happen.

While the flood problems can only be resolved by the system megapolitan. When it is not done then Jakarta will always rely to overcome this.

Sutiyoso hates lolosnya Cup Adi Pura, because since he took office as Governor, this time the new Jakarta slumped. "I was shocked, because of the time I always can, perhaps because there are other criteria I do not understand," pungkasnya.

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