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Icha Threatens Dismantle its relationship with Umar

VIVAnews -Prosecutor (JPU) Bekasi District Court requested to deepen engagement Mohammed Umar, associated with the impersonation done Fransiska Anastasya Octaviany aka Icha, disguised to be female to be married to sex.

But during the trial, denied the man who became the Icha husband helped forge paperwork so that they can run smoothly.  "I do on its own initiative and without sepengatuan Umar. All in order to launch my marriage, "said Icha, after the trial.

But still, Icha will unload all of their relationship. Because of the Icha feel what he has done with Umar shed entirely to himself. "This right its Umar did not want to scapegoat," he said.

Confirmed Icha, Umar was very knew him is a man. Then why did they get married, all as both mutual love. "If Umar now argue that it is up, I've ever known and stay at his house, ' Umar already know all," he said.

During the trial He denied it and give a description of the convoluted,

In the trial revealed the fact of Umar and relate the Icha already since they aren't married.

The Tribunal then questioned why Umar did not protest only related through the back. "Because the Icha if angry holding the knife, and always snapped," he explained.

Umar revealed, actually, before they married, she already felt there is a peculiarity with Icha gelagat. The judge asked "why want?" "Yes I do not know if he's the man," said Umar.

Hear the answers of any report, judge Omar. The judge felt there was a cover-up because of the convoluted answer to Umar. "Actually you normal or not," ask a judge again. Umar replied her normal because like with women.

Based on this, the Tribunal judges then asked that Umar was brought to a psychologist. "Because I'm sure Umar also experience sexual abnormalities are the same as Icha," pintanya. The trial will resume on Thursday, June 16, 2011, with the agenda was the examination of the witnesses. Report: Erik Hamzah | Bekasi (adi)

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