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Consumable Limit Truck, Now Even-Odd System

VIVAnews -Wide breakthrough to handle jammed Jakarta DKI Jakarta Government continued and a number of related institutions. After setting the restriction of heavy vehicle operational hours, private vehicle use restrictions policy based on the number of police even-odd immediately applied.

In the near future, trials the restriction that private vehicles will be done on the road crossed by bus Transjakarta. A discussion of this issue, is still discussed together with the Directorate of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya.

According to the Director of the Traffic Police of the Metro Jaya, Commissioner Royke Lumowa, restriction of other radical measures is personal to tackle congestion. In the long run, other systems such as the way paid (ERP), MRT and Subway will also be built.

"After the restrictions on trucks, we expect the implementation of the odd-even number can be immediately executed," said Royke.

Added Royke, odd-numbered system vehicle restrictions judged significant in the density of traffic. Another thing is to offset high rates of growth of a new vehicle to reach 1000 units for two-wheelers and 250 units of four-wheeled vehicles per day.

Based on Data Service Transportation Jakarta, half the number of vehicles in circulation in Jakarta or about 5.6 million units comes from the suburb.

Until the end of December 2010, there were 11.362.396 vehicles in Jakarta. As much as two-wheel vehicle units 8.244.346 and 3.118.050 wheel four.

The head of the Department of transportation Jakarta, Pristono, justify restrictions Is vehicles with odd-numbered system is one of the handling of congestion of the capital.

However, the application could not be done easily. A mature so that the necessary readiness oversight can run optimally.

"This policy is likely to do if the system and coordination can walk well. The number of vehicles which are not least very hard in his control. This policy is still under study, "said Pristono.

Currently, the Government of DKI Jakarta focused on structuring and management of mass transportation network. Of which build transport network feeders (feeder) of the busway.

In order to achieve them, the nexus of Jakarta has been rolling out auction procurement bus feeder. This Bus will be dioperasionalkan starting at 05: 00-22: 00 pm.

As for the route traveled is Tanah Abang-Balaikota that bring passengers to the corridors of the Pulogadung-Harmoni and Block M-town. The supply route of thorns Kembangan to corridors of Lebak Bulus-harmony and Kalideres-Harmoni and Block M-town.

As well as the route of the Sudirman Centre Business District (SCBD)-Senayan who supply corridor Block M-Town and Cawang-Grogol. "The Targeted August 2011, feeder bus can operate. So optimization of busway can run out, "said Pristono.

For feeder there will be 15 fleet prepared. As for the infrastructure needed to include the creation of a new shelter, bridges crossing bridge, signs, barriers, as well as pedestrian facilities. Standard operation and his Ministry attempted close to or equal to the busway service.

"With the public transport services that are safe and comfortable then by itself the user private vehicles will switch to public transport," he explained. (umi)

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