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Tenganan Karangasem area located 65 km from the city or Denpasar.Tenganan a population of about 550 people, most of its population engaged in agriculture and handicrafts. This village is a traditional village in Bali. The pattern of community life in this village is an example of cultural diversity BaliAga (prahindu).
Uniqueness of the village is owned by:

1. Uniform resolution model that is linear.
2. The structure of the bilateral community, community-based and seniority.
3. Have a ritual system that is different from Balinese Hindu community.
4. Tradition 'Mekar KARE (pandanus war)
5. Crafts woven Geringsing "tissue

Tenganan History of the village are conducted in different versions: First according to folklore, it is mentioned that the villagers Tenganan, from the village of Panega, a village near Bedahulu in the regency of Gianyar . Population mobility is associated with the story of a horse ONCE sRAW, King's horse Bedahulu missing and was found dead in the village of Tenganan. By tracing the presence of the royal family Bedahulu. Thus, the village is estimated Tenganan founded in the fourteenth century. Both according to the findings of archaeologists R. Goris, Tenganan known word in an inscription of Bali, with Tranganan word. This entry refers to the number of years in the XIV and XV centuries.
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