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Wild Time with Children at the Zoo

why do we love the zoo? well, wild animals of course =)

"Hey,we are gonna bring some orphans to the zoo tommorow...wanna come and help out?" my good spider friend said to me...I really wanted to but in my mind I was need to work, work, work...

So I was initially reluctant...but then I's easter...i do good to make someone happy and I myself simply adore children...having taught sunday school and worked with children on my film...

my sunday school class

So off I went with only a three hour sleep the night before...with spider dennis and basset hound brother the zoo with ophans.When we reached there...the other group that were suppose to bring the orphans were already we immediately went into silly hoo haa mode...

and we quickly made friends with the kids...behaving slightly silly to break the ice...and the ice broke quickly...

help! I am caught in the middle of a hindraf rally!!!!

perhaps it's because I am a kid at heart or trying hard to be one...but I simply adore children...and I was so happy even though I had to try organise them by screaming my lungs out "lion's roar!!" and keep an eye on them constantly...

But we cannot blame a child they have a wide worldview and the world seems so big and so magical to them that they will be almost impatient in trying to get as much's nature's way to teach the young...

So I try to be as accomodating...I carried them on my shoulder...flipped them and talked to them...trying to be their friend...I did become popular because i could flip them...but I feel so unappreciated when they called me of all things...UNCLE! :(

I'd rather they call me friend...but it was all good...AS I was leaving...Megan said thank you...I think it's me who is in debt of a thank you. =) thanks to my two friends who invited me along...thanks for the wonderful people I've met...MEGAN,LAURENCE,MAY,ERIC,KEN and thanks to the children for all the smiles...all the smiles they gave me and all the smiles they put on my face.

I can't believe that at the begining I was actually thinking of going...I'll never think children? bring it on!!! hehehe

LIONS ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
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