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This weekend is turning into a very holy weekend.The hindus, christians and islams all have significant religious event over this few days.

Yesterday was a public holiday, me and my trail trekkers group decided to go up to bukit tabur or bukit melawati. As usual, we plan to start very early in the morning at 6am(meaning with some group members obeserving malaysian time, we started at 7am). It began with a drive up to wangsa maju to meet a bunch of new friends gathered by aries(a self declared kampung girl who just joined us on our last trip) The drive up to wangsa maju was a beautiful one with a simply gorgeous sunrise ahead of us.

Upon reaching wangsa maju...aries informed us that on her side she has about 16 people plus the five of us,that's a whopping 23 people...well...okie.So as everyone did become a big group...and it was a good opportuinity to go I told them...the word for the day is hoo haa...once someone shout hoo haa...everyone would's our practice...

And so with that...we set off on our adventure...

At first it looked like any other jungle walk albiet being uphill. However as we reached closer to the top...typical forest folliage started to thin until there was only a few plants left which dominated the landscape above...the plants had really thin string like leaves.The earth also gave way to rock face and here's where the fun began. It's a climbing trip and we were climbing allright and having alot of fun at it...The trail trekkers were really singing outloud, either that or it's just me...being hyper as I was climbing without a single wink the night before...but I am sure...I heard echoes from the rest....

Up above...there was gorgeous scenery to be had...also on hikes like this you expect to see birds...well as I thought that the yield of animals on this track was low suddenly we saw a whole flock of birds! It must be paper crane season!!!

Three of us also found God

The only flaw of the day was the stronger members of the group had to travel a little slower to accomodate the weaker new members of the group...and some parts...a few of us were too excited and ran ahead...frog is also guilty....much to the dismay of a loyal spider who has the principle of staying as a group...spider btw...will have his own blog posting on the day on his blog here...but eventually, we all did reach the end...which offers this scenery

To some it was a little bit of an anticlimax after a three hour trek across 'dangerous' cliffs but I day say of the journey, everyone had fun negotiating the rock face mountain ridge...enjoying the scenery, the nice warmth of the morning sun, friends, singing out loud like crazy and just being are some additional pictures...

HOO - HAA !!! :P
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