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wasabi,monkeys,a dirty car and being happy!

So what makes me happy or what is a happy moment for me? When i was wanting to write a blog entry about being happy...I immediately started to think...what makes me happy? at which point...i stopped myself as i wondered...must i make an effort to be happy? must I think what is a happy moment? am i such a sad contrived person that being happy takes effort? and just popped out...being happy can just mean being happy...and so i just begin to write...

about three weeks ago....i was with a friend and her little 10 year old nephew calvin...he was obviously unhappy as he was getting very little attention.We then went for sushi for friend dipped her sushi in wasabi to which her nephew asked..."auntie, what is that?" The aunt,my friend subsequently's's for man only. This was an obvious tease to the little boy as he was always fond of tapping his chest with his fist and declaring "I'm the man!!!" And so...when her auntie prompted further by pushing it to him and saying you're the man aren't you? He quickly took one sushi...plomped it into the wasabi and quickly into his mouth...he then...raised his hand...placed it at the back of his head...shake his head...shake his head violently...and then he reached out for something to drink...he grabs the green tea...but that's smoking too bad...he just sad there...his hand clasped his face....and then tears streaked out.

Me and his auntie had a great laugh....yes, it was kinda cruel but if you think this is my posting for being it is not....well maybe...for us...but i am not that evil...

Calvin was really pissed after that and refused to talk to his aunt anymore.Not even if he died and gets reborn...he will not forgive her....she is the devil (pronounced d-vil)But as I was still in calvin's good book...though I somewhat played a part...hehehehehe... I offered to pacify him....I told her 'auntie' to leave him at my house...I'll fetch him home later.

At my house...I first brought calvin to the feed monkeys....i told him to show a scary face so the monkeys will be intimidated and wouldn't come near him.this is how to be a man!!!! he started to smile...I was his brother....then I brought him back to my house....I was thinking of other ways to make him smile...hey, my car is kinda dirty.So I told calvin....hey calvin...wanna wash my car? we race was one side...I wash the other....

So we went back...settled on the middle line...and began washing....he tore his sponge to two to speed things up...we went next to neck....I finished first,I won! then he pointed out that i missed a as I washed that spot...he declared himself the winner...but then...I inspected his side and he missed a tire...

That night he has forgiven his's amazing how monkeys and a carwash can make him forgive her auntie when even dying and being reborn won't.....It's funny how effortless it takes to be happy sometimes....maybe we should all try to be happy....wait, maybe we shouldn't try at all....just be happy!!!!

this blog is part of a happy write a happy blogpost.... I kinda like the idea of the contest....and so here is my entry. There is a 5k prize at stake for the best do join if you wanna chance to win the cash or need the cash. Or if you wanna help me win it...log on to the site...and vote for me.For entry details or to vote for me click on the happy smiley below. If I win it...I have already decided that since it's extra cash for me, I will use the money to make some homeless kids happy... because i get so happy making a kid happy.... regards to you all my new friends who's popping by for the first time from the happy contest... do pop a message if you are a newcomer here...

Happy - Happy Moments
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