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Terror, Their Cafeteria Polda Sterilized

VIVAnews -in addition to keep myself and the community, the police now have to keep the food. Because the terror add another mode of terror. Poisoned food. This mode is known after police raided the home of one of the suspects in Kemayoran, Jakarta. There is a poison cyanide in situ. And the police--based on the description of the suspect goods that would be an anathema to poison the food police.

In some areas police be ready at this food problem. Tighten security and checking all incoming food. Message from small stalls or any of the restaurant is expensive.

Police Area Metro Jaya also tighten the security of places to eat within the Police Department. Also perform sterilization in a number of dining. "We've been collecting the traders in Polda. Ask them to keep an eye on and ban people who are not interested parties get into the kitchen each canteen, "said the head of the Bureau of Operational Commissioner Sujarno in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 14, 2011.

Traders also said Sujarno, prompted the alert with the "alien" is the new entry to their stalls. "The seller in the cafeteria should also be wary of. Let alone with strangers, "he asserted.

Coordinator of Metro Polda Jaya Sabara and Canteen, Poniman, confirmed that all traders in the area Mapolda Metro Jaya has been asked to be more vigilant and to report if knowing there are people who are suspicious and not known to get into the kitchen of the cafeteria.

Despite tightened security, Poniman insists that not happening decrease in the number of visitors in the stalls, because it is generally a member of the police who eat in the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, the head of Affairs Information Unit of the field Publicist Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner, Yossie Pr, claimed to be not too worried by the existence of a threat. "Be Alert, but not the meaning we so frightened," he said.

In fact, he thinks, actually members of the police do not have a special canteen and blend with the community. "It means the threat is not only to the police but the whole community. So the opposite of terrorism together, and remain vigilant, "pungkasnya.

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