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Simplest shocker

This is the simpleest way to get harmles high volteges of an batery!

The transformer can be any mains transfomer(110-220V to 1-24V)

Whith the right transfomer it is posible to generate up to 2000V!!! (Don't wory its not dengerus becose of to low curents!)

these transformers normaly have 20-40:1 ratio so how can it make 2000V(200:1 ratio reqierd)?
Its becose some transformers have an good magnetic field breakdown efect(energy is storen in an magnetic field an then relesed as an high voletge spike)

If the releys coil resistanse is too big (inted in the reley the curent goes in the transfomer) the transistor must be hoked up in serial whith the reley coil (this will give lower performace)

I think this thing cod be hoked up whith an TV Flayback transformer too(to generate up to 20 000V)

A big cap (1000uF) parallel whith your power surce can inprove performance(its recomended if an lower curent power suply is used)
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