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Restrictions On Trucks Over, Jammed Overshadow

VIVAnews -Congestion back to overshadow the toll in the city. This following the expiration of the test run time setting operational trucks across the road paid, Friday 10 June 2011.

However, the head of the Department of transportation Jakarta, Pristono, insists it Is will hold pursues restrictions for trucks became a fixed rule. It was given a trial that has lasted since May 9, then proved unable to suppress the level of congestion.

"Dishub JAWA would struggle to convince all the parties in order to have the deal of the policy application of patented," said Pristono Thursday night, June 9, 2011.

This truck operational setting described Pristono is deal Polda Metro Jaya, PT Jasa Marga, the managers of the highway and the provincial Government of Jakarta.

And the fourth side is in principle requires that the policy continued on and was made a permanent policy. So far no complaints from the public users of the services of the toll of the policy setting time operational heavy vehicles in the segment of the segments of the highway in the city.

There are five indicators of success in such policies. First, an increase in the speed of the vehicle to an average of 53 kilometers per hour. Second, this policy resulted in an increase in the number of users of public transport and busway using the toll roads in the city.

The third indicator, the application of this policy resulted in the level of air pollution significantly decreased. Fourth, Pristono Express, the use of fuel oil (FUEL) is more efficient because the average speed that remain, the use of fuel is getting more efficient.

Compared in a choked up traffic conditions or jammed together like before applied this policy. This condition takes a positive impact for a reduction in FUEL subsidies by the Central Government.

The last indicator, is the increase in the productivity of the community in movement activities and traffic flows are increasingly being smoothly.

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