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Polda Submit Findings 4 Bullet pendekatan Gaul

VIVAnews -Polda Metro Jaya handed over the four rounds was found at the site of the shooting of members of the police in Bekasi to the Forensic Laboratory of the Centre of the National Police Headquarters. These deliverables aim to investigate the ownership of the bullet.

"Four ballistic missile will be tested in the National Police Headquarters to ascertain who is the owner," said the head of public relations Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Baharudin Djafar in Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Saturday May 2, 2011.

Baharuddin revealed the discovery of the four bullets that while investigators doing sports scene of Crime (CRIME SCENE) on the highway the Mess AL. Three bullets were found in the vicinity of the vehicle the offender while parked position, while another one found near the fence. Though uncertain origin, most likely the property of the officer's bullet time of a firefight with the perpetrators. Police had issued 14 times hot lead to vehicle the offender.

"Four firearms belonging to the officer also pulled in order to test a ballistic missile that could, four of the officers or principals. But kepastiannya wait a ballistic test results, "he explained.

Related developments in the investigation, Baharuddin said a number of police personnel has been taken down at some point a location likely visited the perpetrators. Among them, officers combed the automobile and the hospital in Bekasi.

"The anticipation alone which affected principals know there's a shoot and fix cars because of likely 10 bullets belonged to the police about the car," he explained.

In addition to combing these two locations, Polda Metro Jaya also continues to coordinate directly with Banten and West Java Police Department. The coordination was done to anticipate the possibility of the perpetrators allegedly more than four people, fled out of town.

Previously a member of the Polresta Bekasi City, Assistant Inspector Two Sugiyantoro killed in firefight with robbers in front of the store People Ongko Mulyo Heri on highways Mess AL Kampung Raden, Jatirangon, Bekasi, At 03: 30 WIB early days yesterday.

The incident began when members of the patrol in the vicinity of the scene find Innova black parking in front of a store with parking against another shop market position. The officer was suspicious looking vehicles. The dibonceng Brigade Noah Sugiyantoro Supriyatna approached the car.

Suddenly from the car the perpetrator strafe officers and happens shootout. Sugiyantoro fell was shot in the bottom right of the eyes and the head. To unravel the case, police had formed a team of the Bekasi consists of Units By which assisted Resmob Polda Metro Jaya and Densus 88 Antiteror.

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