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Each Region Can Implement ERP

VIVAnews Government regulations concerning management and Traffic Engineering does not specifically mention Jakarta as the location of its application. But the set of criteria for the condition can apply one system that is in it.

The head of the Centre for public communication of the Ministry of transportation, S Bambang Ervan, are calling explains, PP No. 32 in 2011 it is diteken the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on June 21, 2011.

The Government, among others, regulations governing electronic road pricing or ERP, ranging from the management plan, arrangement, care, and road facilities. Other settings on the management needs of the traffic and control the movement of traffic.

Whereas the criteria areas that can implement ERP, among others, when you have eligible related comparison of the volume of motor vehicles with a capacity of roads, public transport availability with the environment.

"There is no mention of detail only for Jakarta, but called on regional condition criteria should be applied to ERP," said Bambang, Friday June 24, 2011.

Peratuan is not just for ERP, but how to cope with the traffic kemacaetan with pembatasaan vehicles per person, of goods vehicles, motorcycles, motor vehicles, motor vehicle and not.

"This is for a specific area, at the time and a particular way, including restrictions on parking space," said Ervan again.

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