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Building on The Java Api Valmiki

VIVAnews -a building in the Alley Tiong, Setiabudi, Karet Kuningan, South Jakarta, a fire charred Valmiki. The location of the buildings that burned about 100 meters from the street Dr. Satrio.

From monitoring VIVAnews, blazing fire started at around 10.30 pm, Tuesday, June 14, 2011. Up at 10.10 P.M. the fire was still blazing look. Black smoke are also soaring.

Dozens of residents around the visible attempt to put out the fire. While the citizens of the other monitor the movement of fire from the roof-roof buildings in the vicinity of the location of the fire.

To put out the fire, the Fire Service has been deployed eight of South Jakarta car unit to the location of fire extinguishers. "A car just slid to location," said the Clerk Office Fire Jakarta Dendy when contacted

Not yet known what the cause of the fire, due to a short-circuit or triggered other things. (umi)

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