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Barring Drugs Stolen, Police Set Up A Safety Deposit Box

VIVAnews -Metro Polda Jaya Drugs Directorate will make a special safety deposit box for storing valuables confiscated proceeds of crime of narcotics. It was meant to prevent embezzlement exhibits drug crimes committed by policemen.

"There is in each unit but later in the future we make one. One door, it's evidence that now will we benahkan, "said the Director of Metro Polda Jaya Illegal Drugs Nugroho Aji Vitello in Jakarta, Thursday, June 23, 2011.

Nugroho added, he would ask the one in charge of the Directorate of drug related handling of evidence in a safety deposit box. "Then there is no evidence that expertise. We will ask the one in charge of the Directorate, "he said.

Previously unknown if five persons from the Police Directorate of Narcotics Polda Metro jaya namely Aipda S, Brigadier BA, AKP AM, Kompol WS and AKP M embezzlement exhibits shabu weighing 200 grams. Despite the two of them i.e. Kompol WS and AKP M not withheld for reasons not yet sufficient evidence.

"Until recently two police did not arrest because not enough evidence. But, his fifth already so suspect, "said Nugroho.

Five persons of the units of policemen of the Directorate of the Police Drug Metro Jaya threatened Dismissal Not Respectfully (PTDH) if found guilty in a criminal trial with a sentence of over three months the embezzlement case related evidence 200 grams sabu-sabu.

The case itself was heated up when one person police AKP AM, mempraperadilankan his boss, Director of Metro Polda Jaya because Drugs notification letter that detention three days late. (ren)

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