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Agreement Of Mutual Contek When UN

VIVAnews – National final exams are over, but it still has a number of unresolved issues. One indication of fraud defendants parents one grade 6 pupils in primary schools (ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS) 06 Evening Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan.

Irma Winda Lubis complained to the National Commission for child protection (Komnas) (PA) the existence of an agreement that didoktrinkan the teacher to the students before following final exams in school. The contents, students in the school exchange the contents of the answer to UAN with his friend. However, the incident should not be disclosed to anyone, including parents.

To Komnas PA, Winda also attach the chronology. Following a brief chronology of findings indicative of fraud:

May 10, 2011

The day of the first test of the language of Indonesia. Winda still got to see his son, MAB, the spirit of the time delivered to the school. At the request of the child, Winda do not wait until test is completed.

Time of pick up, Winda find anomalies in the behavior of MAB that looks not the spirit. When asked about the test, Winda got the answer: "God willing could be the mother. But don't ask the other. If you get home can get time in the room of Brother itself? Brother want to own. "

Curious, Winda trying keep let's cause moodiness of the child. Moreover, arriving in a car while walking back home MAB said: "had enggak entered my Friday yesterday, definitely not involved with the deal this moron. I want it fast – fast completion of the school. "

Winda also more curious and continue to ask what is it. Once persuaded, MAB finally tells the story while crying and holding a pain in the chest. In the midst of panic Winda, MAB tells that there is agreement that all exam participants in school cheating.

Starting Friday, a few days before the test, the MAB was called guru initials A together with two other students. In that meeting, the teacher asked the students to make a deal that all students be cheating. But, students should not be told to anyone, including parents, about what occurred during the test. The teacher called it for the good. "This secret should we save it until whenever," the story of MAB.

No thanks and disappointed by this incident, Winda then turn back vehicles heading to the school to clarify the ' deal '. "I feel kecolongan and betrayed. How could a teacher recommends his children together doing cheating for the test and pegawas silent, "said Winda.

Arrived at the school, the MAB approached the teacher A so-called made an agreement to convey that her out of the deal. The teacher, according to Winda, as if to shy away from talk of MAB. According to Winda, the teacher says, "this is just a wrong perception. MAB need not fear, there is no deal. " However, seconds later, the teacher States that it happens everywhere and asked Winda is not against the current.

May 11, 2011

Winda and her husband tried to contact Komnas PA and Posko complaints UN of education service. However, Winda can only contact Komnas PA, while telephone Diknas can't.

Winda and her husband had a chance to drive again MAB to school on the second day of the exam. Winda and husband also intends to meet with the teacher and principal at once. After meeting, Winda rate explanation principal rambling. While a teacher who had a chance to make a deal is not also present.

Winda looking for evidence that it exists by recording a statement a number of students, friends of MAB, with a handycam. Though initially afraid-fearful, however there are some students who raise your voice. Of one MAB, Winda find new facts that the deal was made written and collected to the respective teachers.

The contents of a written agreement that created the children "should not be notified of any kind that occurs when the UN until whenever, even to parents, family and friends. Except for one group of friends. "

May 12, 2011

Morning my husband and I returned to come to school want to follow up this case. A teacher originally shy away then greet Winda and apologized. The teacher A was acknowledged the deal and said it was actually contrary to his conscience. However, the teacher of A suppressed by the other for terlaksananya 9-year compulsory education program. "Pity if children to not pass," said the teacher A quoted Winda.

May 13, 2011

Winda and husband made a formal complaint with came to the Office of the national PA.

Clarified, head of the Office of education JAWA Taufik Yudi Hai has claimed to have been calling the headmaster explaining this case.

While the Chairman of the Arist Merdeka Sirait Komnas PA already cast a letter to an audience with the Governor of Jakarta and a representative of the Ministry of national education. "This case is serious," said Arist.

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