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VIVAnews -motorcycle Action romp like in the movies take place on roads Kalimalang, Bekasi. A woman chasing two penjambret who ride a motorcycle.

The incident began when the Tika (20), Coed State University of Jakarta, was about to leave for the campus from his home in Bekasi, West Java, Saturday, June 30, 2011.

Tika is riding his motorbike was menyelempangkan his bag on the left side. Tika drove his motorcycle with normal speed. At around 09.00 am, Tika arrived in front of the gas station Coffee Hut.

Shortly thereafter, two people who are above motorcycles Yamaha Mio is suddenly docked and grab the bag brought Tika. The student was wearing a veil is shouting. "Thief, jambret ..."

The bag had changed hands. Mindlessly, Tika immediately spurred his motorcycle, the kebut. Tika menggeber doing his motorcycle while continuing to shout, "Jambret, a skeleton ..."

Tika efforts to fruition. Motorcycle en two jambret it worked dipepet. Tika was reckless grazed motor penjambret from the right direction. Brak! Tika and motor penjambret it falls. Three people lying on the asphalt.

In that condition, Tika still shouting two penjambret. In a panic, the two perpetrators were immediately stood up and took the step of thousand. Both went into the settlement.

Now turn the citizens of that pursuit. Tika directly helped local citizens. Citizens raging and almost burned the red-coloured motorbike Mio penjambret. Two penjambret were finally managed to dibekuk citizens. Bag saved Tika. (sj)

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Peliculas Online

Sebuah UFO seperti gelembung bersinar memecah keheningan malam di Hawaii. Video ini direkam dari kamera observatorium astronomi di pulau itu.

Para pengamat langit membanjiri forum internet dengan spekulasi ledakan yang direkam webcam di Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope di Mauna Kea. Video ini menampilkan bulatan bercahaya yang dalam beberapa menit membesar hingga akhirnya secara virtual memenuhi layar kemudian menghilang secara misterius serupa saat muncul.

Teori bermunculan, termasuk bulatan muncul akibat pertempuran dua UFO alien. Namun penjelasan paling mungkin adalah, bulatan ini muncul dari rudal balistik interkontinental US Minuteman III yang mengeluarkan bahan bakar saat memasuki bagian atas atmosfer Bumi.

Tampak di video, horizon malam yang bertabur bintang tiba-tiba ‘dimeriahkan’ bulatan raksasa itu. Secara cepat, bulatan itu membesar dan membentuk cangkang melingkar yang terus tumbuh sembari melewati horizon, kemudian menghilang.

Menurut blog Bad Astronomy Discover Magazine, karakteristik ‘gelembung sabun’ itu menunjukkan, bulatan muncul akibat ‘impuls energi dadakan dan pembesaran materi dengan cepat’.

Bad Astronomy mengungkap, Minuteman III ICBM dijadwalkan meluncurkan dari Vandenburg Air Force Base, California, tiga menit sebelum bulatan itu muncul atau sekitar 3.35 pagi waktu Hawaii.

Rasi bintang Cassiopeia yang terlihat di horizon belakang bulatan itu menunjukkan, webcam mengarah ke timur laut pada markas dan jalur terbang rudal.

Saat rudal di atas atmosfer Bumi dan bahan bakar tiba-tiba keluar dari rudal, bahan bakar bisa membentuk bulatan sempurna. Hal ini mampu menjelaskan karakteristik gelembung cahaya itu.

Bagaimanapun juga, teori-teori di atas hanya sekadar teori seperti ditulis Dailymail dan belum ada konfirmasi resmi dari pihak berwenang.

Berikut video yang memecah malam di Hawaii itu.

Atmospheric flare from a minuteman III ICBM missile from Kanoa on Vimeo.

VIVAnews -Bekasi District Court held the trial continued with the defendant's case impersonation Grace Sulistyo aka Fransiska Anastasya Octaviany aka Icha (20), Thursday, June 16, 2011.

This time trial where the testimony of Chairman RT residence my ex-husband Icha Muhammad Umar, Haji I, and adoptive parents who marry Icha and Umar, Parijo. The trial was held at 1 pm in the main courtroom.

Before the trial begins , made myself encountered Icha State prisoners in Bekasi. Icha is wearing a white shirt, black pants and peci said, in this trial will attempt to answer honestly, without there being covered. "Later if the Tribunal asked I would answer honestly. I will dismantle all links with Umar. And I also ask the witness to do the same thing, "said Icha.

Icha back confirmed his conviction if before they married, Umar knew Icha-sex man. "Because at the beginning of the wedding, He repeatedly asked, mamah kok his beard? Mah, how his body like a man, "explained Icha. However, it was never answered. Icha "I just smile," added Icha. That suspect Umar chubby man deliberately not unpack because already married. "Maybe he's ashamed, therefore he does not want to say about this to anyone," says Icha.

Even so, Icha believes gradually Umar will not trigger membongkarnya if caught residents. "But whether it will end the marriage, I don't know," he explained.

At trial, the Prosecutor already present Umar to testify. Icha charged with article 263 verses one and two of the CRIMINAL CODE jo article 266 of the order and enter false information into an authentic deed, the ancamannya seven years in prison.

In this trial, State Prosecutor Bekasi will lower the four senior prosecutor as the public prosecutor, among others, General Coordinator of Criminal Section, with members of Dudi Mulyakusumah Section Intel M Husein Atmadja, head of the Civil Section and the prosecution of Ely Bless, as well as one Attorney Functionaries Senses Zulkarnaen. (eh)

Report: Erik Hamzah | Bekasi

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Peliculas Online

1. Loetoeng Kasaroeng (1926)

Loetoeng Kasaroeng adalah sebuah film Indonesia tahun 1926. Meskipun diproduksi dan disutradarai oleh pembuat film Belanda, film ini merupakan film pertama yang dirilis secara komersial yang melibatkan aktor Indonesia

2. Eulis Atjih (1927)

Sebuah film bisu bergenre melodrama keluarga, film ini disutradarai oleh G. Kruger dan dibintangi oleh Arsad & Soekria. Film ini diputar bersama-sama dengan musik keroncong yang dilakukan oleh kelompok yang dipimpin oleh Kajoon, seorang musisi yang populer pada waktu itu. Kisah Eulis Atjih, seorang istri yang setia yang harus hidup melarat bersama anak-anaknya karena ditinggal suaminya yang meninggalkannya untuk berfoya-foya dengan wanita lain, walaupun dengan berbagai masalah, akhirnya dengan kebesaran hatinya Eulis mau menerima suaminya kembali walaupun suaminya telah jatuh miskin

3. Lily Van Java (1928)

Film yang diproduksi perusahaan The South Sea Film dan dibuat bulan Juni 1928. Bercerita tentang gadis yang dijodohkan orang tuanya padahal dia sudah punya pilihan sendiri. Pertama dibuat oleh Len H. Roos, seorang Amerika yang berada di Indonesia untuk menggarap film Java. Ketika dia pulang, dilanjutkan oleh Nelson Wong yang bekerja sama dengan David Wong, karyawan penting perusaahaan General Motors di Batavia yang berminat pada kesenian, membentuk Hatimoen Film. Pada akhirnya, film Lily van Java diambil alih oleh Halimoen. Menurut wartawan Leopold Gan, film ini tetap digemari selama bertahun-tahun sampai filmnya rusak. Lily van Java merupakan film Tionghoa pertama yang dibuat di Indonesia.

4. Resia Boroboedoer (1928)

Film yang diproduksi oleh Nancing Film Co, yang dibintangi oleh Olive Young, merupakan film bisu yang bercerita tentang Young pei fen yang menemukan sebuah buku resia (rahasia) milik ayahnya yang menceritakan tentang sebuah bangunan candi terkenal (Borobudur). Diceritakan juga di candi tersebut terdapat sebuah harta karun yang tak ternilai, yaitu guci berisi abu sang Buddha Gautama.

5. Setangan Berloemoer Darah (1928)
Film yang disutradarai oleh Tan Boen San, setelah pencarian di beberapa sumber, sinopsis film ini belum diketahui secara pasti.

6. Njai Dasima I (1929)

Film ini berasal dari sebuah karangan G. Francis tahun 1896 yang diambil dari kisah nyata, kisah seorang istri simpanan, Njai (nyai) Dasima yang terjadi di Tangerang dan Betawi/Batavia yang terjadi sekitar tahun 1813-1820-an. Nyai Dasima, seorang gadis yang berasal dari Kuripan, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Ia menjadi istri simpanan seorang pria berkebangsaan Inggris bernama Edward William. Oleh sebab itu, akhirnya ia pindah ke Betawi/Batavia. Karena kecantikan dan kekayaannya, Dasima menjadi terkenal. salah seorang penggemar beratnya Samiun yang begitu bersemangat memiliki Nyai Dasima membujuk Mak Buyung untuk membujuk Nyai Dasima agar mau menerima cintanya. Mak buyung berhasil membujuk Dasima walaupun Samiun sudah beristri. Hingga akhirnya Nyai Dasima disia-siakan Samiun setelah berhasil dijadikan istri muda.

7. Darah dan Doa (1950)

Darah dan Doa adalah sebuah film Indonesia karya Usmar Ismail yang diproduksi pada tahun 1950 dan dibintangi oleh Faridah. Film ini merupakan film Indonesia pertama yang sepenuhnya dibuat oleh warga pribumi. Film ini ialah produksi pertama Perusahaan Film Nasional Indonesia (Perfini), dan tanggal syuting pertama film ini 30 Maret 1950, yang kemudian dirayakan sebagai Hari Film Nasional. Kisah film ini berasal dari skenario penyair Sitor Situmorang, menceritakan seorang pejuang revolusi Indonesia yang jatuh cinta kepada salah seorang Belanda yang menjadi tawanannya

VIVAnews -Director of Metro Polda Jaya, Traffic Commissioner Pol Royke Lumowa, say, the existence of Government Regulation (PP) to the road toll is a form of support to the Central Government of DKI Jakarta provincial government policy in overcoming congestion of the capital.

"Obviously this is the seriousness of the Central Government to alleviate congestion in Jakarta," said Royke in Jakarta, June 26, 2011.

Royke added, although the PP has been signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, still needed one more rule to run a traffic engineering for the limitation of the use of the vehicle. The regulations of the Ministry of finance who regulates the issue of procurement tool, fares and other things related to ERP.

Royke hope, before the regulation was published, there was another attempt to apply restrictions on vehicles with odd-numbered system or the colour of the vehicle. "The application of ERP still takes time, while some months there will be a pageant Sea Games. So we did used to be the easiest through odd-even-that the restrictions or the color of the vehicle, "he added.

This policy will certainly tested after there is consent of the Governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo. In the near future, the Department of transportation JAWA along with Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya will expose the study on this subject to the Governor.

As known, after waiting for nearly two years, ultimately Preside signed a Government Regulation No. 32 in 2011 about management and Traffic Engineering. This rule is an umbrella law for the Government, especially in the area, to implement a number of new traffic rules, including the implementation of the road is paid.

Next, the application of these rules will be submitted to the respective Governments of the provinces or regions. For example, if Jakarta would like to implement ERP, PP. became an umbrella law in applying them.

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Peliculas Online

Datos Técnicos
EMCO Remote Desktop v4.3.2
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Un software indispensable de control remoto que le permite administrar de forma remota cualquier PC. Le ayuda a establecer una conexión de escritorio remoto para ver una pantalla remota y utilizar el ratón y el teclado para manejarlo de la misma manera como usted trabaja con su ordenador personal. Optimizado los algoritmos de transferencia de datos garantiza el acceso PC rápida y segura a distancia. Además de las funciones de escritorio remoto de control también se puede obtener una información sobre el desempeño y el inventario de los ordenadores a distancia, chatear con usuarios remotos, realizar capturas de pantalla a distancia y hacer otras cosas útiles de forma remota.

1 servidor

Ashampoo Video Styler v1.0.0
25MB | Multilenguaje | Incl. Medicina
El efecto cautivador para sus vídeos

Ashampoo Video Styler es el programa ideal para animar sus vídeos. Con su amigable interfase de usuario, múltiples funciones y filtros convertirá fácilmente sus vídeos en impresionantes películas.

Con Ashampoo Video Styler aplique por ejemplo uno de los numerosos filtros o agregue música de fondo a su vídeo y conseguirá un recuerdo inolvidable.

La película se puede exportar en diferentes formatos. Lo interesante es que con unos pocos clics, usted puede presentar fácilmente en Youtube el vídeo a sus amigos o al resto del mundo o puede crear vídeos en formato MyVideo o Facebook.

Haga que sus vídeos sean algo especial con el potente Ashampoo Video Styler e impresione a los demás con sus brillantes resultados.

Características y Funcionalidades
Con Ashampoo Video Styler las capturas de vídeo se convierten en impresionantes películas
Ashampoo Video Styler tiene una interfase de programa perfectamente estructurada y con un editor integrado. Con una vista en forma de árbol se puede acceder con facilidad a los vídeos y animarlos con el editor según nuestros deseos.

Con un solo clic puede hacer un espejo o rotar el vídeo. Con la ayuda de deslizadores se puede ajustar el brillo, el contraste, los valores gamma y la saturación. Para darle un toque especial al vídeo, puede agregar música o alguno de los efectos profesionales. Se puede conseguir una acción aún más ingeniosa invirtiendo los colores. O proporcionar a sus vídeos la elegancia y nostalgia de las viejas películas con la ayuda del efecto “Película vieja” o “Sepia”.

Los cambios o los efectos se muestran al instante en el editor. Si el resultado no cumple sus expectativas, puede deshacer los cambios fácilmente y restaurar la versión original con un sólo clic.

Varios formatos y opciones para exportar
Con Ashampoo Video Styler se pueden exportar sus vídeos en diferentes formatos de salida. Entre los formatos de salida están .avi, .mpeg4, .wmv y .m2ts. Si quiere presentar el vídeo a sus amigos, familia y otros usuarios de Internet puede subir directamente el vídeo a YouTube o crear un vídeo en el formato adecuado a MyVideo o Facebook.

Codificación Inteligente
Después de elegir el formato de salida o la localización de su vídeo, Ashampoo Video Styler hará el resto por usted. El programa realiza de forma automática todo el proceso de codificación e incluso posee un control de utilización según la carga del procesador, por ejemplo, para permitir un trabajo cómodo durante el proceso de codificación. Si es necesario procesar varios vídeos al mismo tiempo o uno tras otro dependiendo del rendimiento del PC. El PC se cierra automáticamente al terminar la codificación.

Lo más destacable

Fácil gestión (“un solo clic”)
Ajuste del brillo, contraste,etc.
Agregar música de fondo y efectos
Codificación simultánea de varios vídeos
Subida de vídeos a YouTube
Creación de vídeos en formato Facebook o MyVideo
Soporte para pantalla táctil

Sistema Operativo:

Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7.


Cualquier PC donde se ejecute un de los sistemas operativos de arriba.
Tarjeta gráfica: resolución mín. 1024 x 768 con 256 MB de memoria y Aceleración-3D (al menos Pixel-/Vertexshader 2.0) (para vídeo-HD al menos 512 MB de memoria).
Recomendado: resolución 1280 x 1024 o mejor, true color.

Memoria RAM y Espacio en Disco:

1 GB RAM o más, espacio en disco duro 75 MB (2 GB RAM para vídeo-HD).


1800 MHz (o superior) x86/x64 CPU (para vídeo-HD se recomienda un procesador dual-core).

1 servidor
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canggih sekali ya gan........
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SRP's profit rises despite drop in electricity use

Salt River Project's annual profit grew 26 percent after the utility raised its rates 4.9 percent in May 2010 at the beginning of its 2011 fiscal year.
Officials said that electricity sales were actually less than anticipated for the year but that profit increased because several maintenance projects were delayed.
Residential-electricity sales were below budget, and wholesale-energy sales to other utilities were far below expectations, said Ron Koenigsfeld, manager of financial accounting.
"People are just being more conscious of what they are using," he said.
He reported preliminary financial data at a special board meeting Thursday. PricewaterhouseCoopers has not finished its audit of the figures.
Because the municipal utility operates as a non-profit, the positive revenue is reinvested in the electric system, SRP spokesman Jeff Lane said. The earnings mean SRP has less need to borrow money and therefore can reduce the overall cost of providing customers power.
SRP's water-delivery operations lost about $46 million for the fiscal year, so some of the profits will be used to cover those expenses, Koenigsfeld said.
SRP uses the profits from electricity to keep the price of water low for the cities in its territory.
Residential power use fell 1.2 percent for the fiscal year, according to SRP.
Energy use by commercial and industrial facilities was down about 1 percent, slightly better than expected, but the bigger factors benefiting SRP finances were delayed construction projects and power lines, Koenigsfeld said.
"The Coronado (coal-fired power plant) is our largest capital project, adding scrubbers to the plant, and much of that expense has been pushed into the next fiscal year," he said.
The $500 million Coronado project and $1 billion new generator at the Springerville Generating Station were the main reasons SRP raised rates at the start of fiscal 2011, which ran from May through April.
The increase averaged $6 a month on residential customers throughout the year: $8.50 in summer months when air-conditioners are used and $3.50 in winter months when electricity use is low. That rate hike was scaled back from one that would have added $12 a month to the average residential bill.
SRP spent $582 million on capital projects such as power-plant repairs in fiscal 2011, but officials had anticipated those expenses to be $770 million, Koenigsfeld said.
"We had to spend much less at Palo Verde (Nuclear Generating Station, which SRP owns in partnership with other utilities)," he said. "That plant has been running well."
Except for April, the new coal-fired unit at Springerville has been operating well, he said.
January through April usually brings four consecutive months of financial losses to SRP, which makes up for it in the summer when electricity sales are high, but this April was especially hard.
SRP had to power down units at the Navajo Generating Station, Four Corners Power Plant, Craig Generating Station and Springerville for extra maintenance and repairs, Koenigsfeld said, adding that it had to buy power on the open market to take up the slack.
Because of those and other unexpected expenses, SRP lost $77.5 million in April alone, about double the budgeted monthly loss, he said.
But the preliminary figures still show a $41.8 million, or 26 percent, jump over the $161.5 million profit the utility recorded in fiscal 2010.
Including the "fair value" of the utility's investments and fuel-hedging contracts, a standard accounting practice to assess profitability, SRP's profit was even higher: $286 million compared with $371 million in fiscal 2010.

Cebu’s SRP and Singapore’s Marina Bay
The best way to travel when visiting a new city is not via bus, MRT, or taxi. It’s not even while riding on a chauffeur-driven E-class Mercedes Benz. It’s by foot. I did that last Friday. Starting at 7 in the morning, I stepped outside our hotel and was greeted by the Singapore sunshine. I walked, stretched, jogged towards the Singapore Recreation Club, just 300 meters away, where green fields awaited. Football rectangles, covered with pristine grass, smiled. Then, I saw a sight that sparkled: Grass courts. Yes. The same ones you’ll see tonight on Star Sports. The club is exclusive and I did not carry my Babolat gear—so no chance to swing a volley. But the sight was more enticing than any 70-percent-off store in the Singapore Sale.
I ran. Along the famous The Fullerton Hotel, I glided. This was the same strip that our Cebu Executive Runners Club (CERC) group passed during the 2008 Singapore Marathon. I relived that 42K. As sweat rolled down my cheeks while running, another smile emerged. For that’s the secret of running; the satisfaction earned comes from within. Some call it “runner’s high” or “adrenaline rush.”
In Singapore, running is the most popular recreational sport. At their annual Marathon held every first Sunday of December, 50,000 join. Last Friday, I saw snippets of that as dozens exercised, planting one rubber shoe in front of another.
The best part of running Singapore? The Marina Bay. You’ve seen the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Its design adorns every postcard of this first-world nation. With three colossal towers standing to hold a “boat” at the summit, the sight is majestic. (It’s the world’s most expensive stand-alone casino at $8 billion.) The Marina Bay Sands is the Eiffel Tower… The Burj… the Petronas Towers of Singapore. It’s now the land’s most photographed structure.
Imagine running beside the Sands? For that’s what amazes you about Singapore: their planning and consideration for open, clean and green space. Along the Marina Bay is a boardwalk. That’s where, for 90 minutes, I ran. That’s where you’ll find tourists and locals strolling. It’s a haven for exercise that’s exercise heaven. Fresh air. The water streaming beside you. The Esplanade (or “durian”). I even found solar panels scattered around the boardwalk that provided lighting and cooling (with large fans) to passers-by.
Just last year, when Singapore hosted the Youth Olympic Games, they built the Youth Olympic Park. Plus, around Marina Bay are the Singapore Flyer (Ferris wheel) and the Helix Bridge.
Which got me to thinking: this is how our South Road Properties (SRP) should aim to look like. The similarities with Marina Bay are obvious. Both are on reclaimed land. Both sit on large tracts of land (ours is 300 hectares; theirs is 360). Both sleep beside the water.  Our city leaders should visit the Marina Bay project—and copy portions of it for the SRP.
Back to running; another thought came to mind: the Ungo Runners (Max Limpag) vs. Bobby Nalzaro debate on “Road Revolution.” Max and his fellow runners immensely enjoyed that Sunday when Osmeña Blvd. was closed to vehicles; Bobby opposed it. In Singapore, there’s no quarrel. There’s no need for road closure. Why? Because they’ve got sidewalks, open spaces, boardwalks, parks. We don’t. What we don’t have is strategic thinking. (Decades back, Lee Kuan Yew set aside wide roads and planted huge trees that now benefit his people.) Which leads me back to SRP. This open area is the only one we’ve got to do right. There’s nothing much we can do to save our Cebu City inner city roads. They’re narrow with zero sidewalks.
The SRP is bare. The Marina Bay ( is our best, nearby example. Their vision? “A green-field site surrounded by water and gardens… that provides an opportunity for further urban transformation, attracting new investments, visitors and talent, as well as becoming a new destination for the local community.” They call it “Garden City by the Bay.” How should our SRP be named?

Mesa transformer explodes; 80,000 are without power
A massive power failure sparked by a transformer fire in east Mesa cut electricity to more than 80,000 customers on a sweltering triple-digit day Thursday, forcing hospitals to use emergency generators and prompting companies to send thousands of workers home early.
The blackouts rolled across virtually all of the city's 132 square miles at various times throughout the afternoon, and officials were telling residents their power may not be fully restored until 10:30 p.m.
The City of Mesa has designated the Mesa Convention Center at 201 N. Center St. an emergency evacuation site.
SRP also started handing out bags of ice at four Fry's Food Stores locations: Recker Road & McKellips Road; Lindsay Road & Broadway Road; Power Road & Baseline Road; and Ellsworth Road & Broadway Road. The ice is expected to arrive between 7 and 7:30 p.m.
Falcon Field Municipal Airport in Mesa was forced to suspend operations for several hours and divert traffic to other airports after the control tower lost power, and nearby Boeing company, which manufactures the AH64 Apache attack helicopter, was forced to cease operations for the day and send 4,000 workers home.
Even Mesa City Hall was affected, losing power completely for about 45 minutes before it was restored about 3:30 p.m. A spokeswoman said workers did their best to remain productive.
The failure knocked out traffic lights at different times across the city, but Mesa police said only two minor accidents were reported.
The fire broke out at a Salt River Project substation near Power Road and University Drive shortly before noon, sending billowing black plumes across east Mesa. Mesa fire crews battled the blaze with foam fire suppressant and brought it under control in minutes, but it continued belch smoke for hours.
A resident at nearby Fellowship Square said she thought the senior complex might be on fire after seeing the smoke. She said the power was off for only about 5-10 minutes at the complex.
SRP spokesman Jeff Lane said the transformers use a type of mineral oil for cooling, and that is what appeared to be burning. The transformer contained no PCBs, the cancer-causing chemical that were widely used in older electrical components.
Asked how many crews the utility had working on the blaze, Lane replied, "everyone we can get out there."
He said that since only one transformer was involved, the utility was able to transfer power from other parts of the Valley to Mesa to help alleviate the blackouts.
A key concern was with area hospitals, many of which were forced to go to generator power for most of the afternoon. No surgeries or emergency room services were affected at Banner's Mesa hospitals, however several surgeries at Mountain View Medical Center were postponed.
A spokeswoman said hospital staff were passing out ice cream to patients and that the hospital had enough generator power to last 10 days.
Power went out at around 2 p.m. Thursday at Banner Baywood Medical Centerand Banner Heart Hospital. The two hospitals at Power and Broadway roads were running on generators.
All systems are currently working and some outpatient procedures may be rescheduled, but no major problems were reported.
Baywood had 195 patients at the time, and Banner Heart had 40.
Jeff Holeman, a spokesman for both hospitals, said SRP officials told them hospitals will be a first priority to get power restored.
Nancy Neff, a Banner spokeswoman, said about 1,000 employees were sent home at about 2 p.m. after the Banner Corporate Center, the former Banner Mesa Medical Center, lost power.
"With it this hot, you don't want people in the building,'' she said.
At Arizona Regional Medical Center near downtown Mesa, officials said they lost power for about 30 to 45 minutes and went to backup generators, but that it was completely restored.
While hospitals seemed to be coping, several elder-care facilities were doing their best to cope with the
sweltering heat.
The Citadel Care Center, a nursing home on East Broadway Road, was still relying on a single generator and waiting for a second to arrive just before 6 p.m. to run fans and swamp coolers are set up in the hallways.
As temperatures climbed in the building, employees hung sheets over the windows to block the sun. Unable to cook, the kitchen was serving cold sandwiches, water and popsicles for dinner.
At the Courtyard Towers assisted living home, 22 N. Robson Street in downtown Mesa, power was out for about 45 minutes as temperatures hit about 104 degrees. Residents were given water and snacks until the power came back on about 3:45 p.m., a spokeswoman said.
Residents of the Orchard Active Senior Living Complex, near Greenfield Road and Main Street in east Mesa, congregated outside during the failure to avoid their steamy apartments.
Many of the elderly who live at the complex have health problems, which alarmed some of the others waiting outdoors for power to return.
"I'm worried about the people who are on oxygen," said 64-year-old Marilyn Suiter.
The power failure hit at one of the worst possible times for restaurants and small businesses, which are just starting to struggle through the lean summer months.
At Caffe Boa Bistro near Power and McDowell roads in east Mesa, owners worried that pricey hand-cured meats could be in danger of spoiling.
"It's killing us. I can't believe this, " said Jay Wisniewski. He had to close his business early because computer systems were out and there was no power to cook. The farm-to-table Italian restaruant also has a wood burning oven that requires a fan. "We have everything on ice. We may have to get together with other restaurants and get a refrigerator truck if power stays out," he said.
Wisniewski said his walk-in cooler is kept at 38 degrees but was creeping up in the high 40s by late afternoon.
"We're losing business. It's killing us because Thursdays are pretty good for us," Wisniewski said, adding that is summer business is usually slow for many businesses.
Larger businesses were hit hard too. Movie theaters across the city were forced to refund tickets for customers, and the 160,000 square-foot Costco at the U.S. 60 and Sossaman, the largest in Arizona, closed for the day and sent all its employees home.
This is not the first time a transformer fire has caused widespread blackouts.
On July 4, 2004, fire struck a West Valley power station operated by Arizona Public Service. The fire burned for days, destroyed five transformer units and forced Valley residents to conserve power to prevent rolling blackouts.
An investigation traced the fire's origin to blue heron droppings that crippled an insulator outside the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station west of the metro area in mid-June.
That created a power surge that shut down all three nuclear reactors.
While APS was dealing with that, a massive flow of electricity was allowed to hit the Westwing station on July 4, triggering the fire.
That same month a fire at APS' Deer Valley Substation shut power to some 50,000 homes but the power was back on within a few hours.
In July 2006 a transformer fire spewed smoke from SRP's Santan Generating Station in Gilbert for hours but did not result in power outages.

VIVAnews -swarms of looters breaking into Bank Danamon Latumenten Raya Street, Tambora, West Jakarta. Actors bring blur money Rp46 million drawn from the teller's drawer.

According to the head Unit Reskrim Polres Jakarta Assistant Commissioner of police Ferdy Sambo, robbery took place at 11.00 P.M., Thursday, June 30, 2011.

In the action, the actors were five people it was menyekap as well as binding teller and several other employees with duct tape and rope of Raphia.

Teen employee can't do resistance because the perpetrator put a firearm. "The four actors who carry firearms in action inside, while another guard at the front," said Ferdy.

After draining money in drawer teller, direct the offender to escape. Currently the police pursuit of the perpetrators. In order to make the development of police sports scene has already done that. They examined the six witnesses. "We will also make a sketch of the face of the perpetrators," he said.

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VIVAnews -implementation of the second test pattern of a single operation or in a single operation in Electric Locomotive Jabodetabek today done. PT KAI Jabodetabek Commuter claimed for a while, since at 05.00 WIB, trials run smoothly.

Acknowledged Corporate Secretary PT KAI Jabodetabek Commuter, Prosper Syaheran, there are still some passengers were not aware of any trials continued the pattern of the operation. But his opinion, it is not too significant.

"When the rush hour work day like today, passengers are crammed. But don't worry because there are definitely behind the train will stop, "said prosper in a news conference at the offices of the KCJ, Juanda Station, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 30, 2011.

The Affluent, in this second trial there are indeed delays trip on some of the stations that make stacking passengers. This happens because this new pattern is still in trial stages and still need the support of all stakeholders.

"This is indeed not easy, from 248 unit trains to be operated, currently has about 90 units. This right has not been able to support all the way. Continuous evaluation of the need to be able to achieve an optimized, "he said.

Meanwhile, the head of public relations in the area of operations I Jabodetabek PT KAI, Mateta Rizalulhaq hope after a test run, the application of a pattern of single operation will not be constrained to mention because of the delay the train.

"On July 2, later no longer delays. This part of the consequences of the changes that need support and understanding. His priority to transport all the passengers, "he explained.

Mateta ask for understanding, and also the support of the whole community, in particular the users of the train, a new pattern of related aims to improve this service.

"There can be fun desire 400 thousand people every day, we hope there is understanding and sense of community," he said.

Claims of PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek is not contrary to the facts on the ground. In Bogor Station for example. Hundreds of passengers of KRL purpose Jakarta accumulates in the station.

A similar thing is also happening in East Jakarta, Jatinegara Station. All rata-tara lost time to 20 minutes more. The head of the Bogor Station Rochmat admitted, delays trains do not take a long time. And the rest of the passengers were able to terangkutan.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for passenger trains, KRL community Mania, Agam Faturahman says, in General, passengers are not disputed the new rules. "To the morning departure, but if it'll hours Home Office, we see later," said Agam when contacted

His opinion, when a single operation is running smoothly, then homework PT KAI next up is improve services. "As a suggestion and infrastructure rectified," Frank he (umi)

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VIVAnews-Zimmermann Jakarta thwart smuggling liquor imports without 840 dilekati Ribbon customs. This led to the loss of State smuggling Rp350 million. Among the drinks it brand Jim Bean, Chivas Regal, Smirnof and others.

Kakanwil Directorate General of Customs Jakarta, Teguh Indrayana, said Customs found 2 cases of smuggling Liquor Containing Ethyl Alcohol (MMEA) import without customs dilekati the Ribbon. The first case, April 13, 2011, customs Jakarta successfully thwart 216 bottle MMEA ex import without customs in the Kedoya Ribbon, West Jakarta.

Modusnya, liquor smuggled through Sumatra sent to Jakarta through the expeditions of road transport. To avoid the officer MMEA wrapped with cardboard packaging cigarettes. "Should suspect HSS aka HDR with losses Rp90 million," he said in the Office Kakanwil DJBC Jakarta Thursday, June 16, 2011.

Still with the same mode, Customs foil 624 MMEA worth Rp260 million. The suspect bernisial RS alleged owner of the drink is still in the process of arrest.

Firm explains, over the past semester I/2011, kanwil DJBC Jakarta complete 5 investigation case criminal acts in the field of Customs (P21) with evidence of alcoholic beverages bottle, black chip 3646 Ribbon excise fake and counterfeit printing machine 1 unit which has been operating for 3 years with 8 people suspect.

"Estimated losses the country reaching more than Rp600 billion for the first half," said the Firm. (eh)

Report: Arnes Rintonga |North Jakarta

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VIVAnews -Kapolda Metro Jaya, Sutarman, Inspector General acknowledged about 60 per cent of the inhabitants of the correctional facility in Indonesia related drugs. To that end, he invited all the elements of the community against drugs.

"Drugs must be eradicated from the Earth Indonesia," he said after attending a memorial day 2011 International Anti Narcotics in silang Monas, Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 26, 2011.

Even so, he said, the war against the dangers of drugs is not easy. Moreover, materials maker (precursors) already existed in Indonesia. "Now the problem prekursornya in Indonesia. So people are increasingly easy to make ecstasy and shabu, "explained him.

Two-star General's promised range will continue to combat the circulation of drugs especially in coverage Polda Metro Jaya.

"We used to do raids as in the place of entertainment, but then the perpetrator fled to homes, hotels, apartments, and kos-kosan. It's more danger yet, but we'll continue raids, "he explained.

Sutarman explains, even though law enforcement in Indonesia considered it firmly and loudly, in fact has not created the Hustler and drug makers wary. "Despite being sentenced to death has been so much but from the law enforcement does not pose a deterrent impact in relation to the Hustler or maker," he said.

Director of Metro Polda Jaya, Narcotics Commissioner Pol Aji Nugroho Vitello, said in the last month, police uncover 260 cases of narcotics from the raids on five areas of Jakarta.

As for the disclosure of which is carried out Muchhala Metro Polda along Police Resort or Police Sector could reach 700 cases each month. The highest number of drug cases occur in the disclosure of Jakarta. "Even in a month the number of drug cases may be in the top 100 cases were revealed in West Jakarta," he said.

He added, the second most famed Central Jakarta. "In West Jakarta and the center of much disclosure because there many entertainment venues, the user, and traffickers," he said.

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VIVAnews -organizer of Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) denied the news that the thugs run rampant in the area, with a PRJ mode into a parking lot and request money service are exorbitant.

"Park the vehicles in the pockets of the parking lot outside the official parking now do not need any PRJ misgivings. Likewise eat at five-feet Cafe also not afraid of snap imposed pay outrageous, "said Media Relations PT JIExpo Kemayoran, Hanggarani Dinar, in the release VIVAnews, accepted Saturday, June 25, 2011. "Because the police apparatus and satpol PP patrolled throughout the day."

He said, rates parking outside the Arena PRJ was nothing more than $ 20,000 for the car, or more expensive Rp 5,000 instead of the official parking in the Arena PRJ just pegged at Rp 15,000 to Rp 10,000 motorcycle wear expensive or more than Rp 2,000 parking spaces in the parking area that only Rp PRJ pegged 8000.

The Dinar also denied the issue of thuggery in PRJ circulating on facebook and Blackberry Messenger. "If the visit to Jakarta Fair, You will see that in the seputaran arena PRJ quite a lot of police and satpol PP Cherub in each corner. Traders also put up tariffs feet five makan-minum which is still within the bounds of reasonable, "he said.

Previously, when VIVAnewsconversed with, Sunday, June 19, 2011, one visitor PRJ, Maria Fransiska Triastutik (26) claims to be withdrawn money parking $ 5.

Annoyed with unreasonable rates, citizens of any protest against the Jatiwaringin interpreter parking. But the effort was in vain. Therefore, a dozen parking operator bekingan which uses the green vest took his car, came and asked him to keep paying the appropriate fare.

"My car even intercepted them. Even those with high pitch forced to pay. This is to ask the parking tariff or want to Rob, "said the woman who came with his family. (art)

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VIVAnews -Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General, admitted not Sutarman completing all reports community that goes to the police.

According to him, of all the community reports received during the year, investigators are only able to complete the 55 percent.

He hoped, forward that number could be increased, even targeted every incoming community report can be completed at the latest 20 days.

"Indeed we are aware of the problem new community as much as 55 percent reported only," said Sutarman as inaugurated the space service examination in the building of the Directorate of Special Polda Metro Jaya Criminal, Wednesday, June 15, 2011.

According to him, the obstacles faced no escape from the performance of his less maximum menindaklajuti each case.

To that end, provide the target settlement lawsuit Sutarman. So, the community does not have to wait long until case is resolved. "If the suspect is clear, complete, evidence must be completed within 20 days," he asserted.

However, if the investigation of a case requires quite a long time, the investigating authorities to menginformasikannya users are suggested in the report.

"For example there are suspects abroad, we have not had diplomatic relations, bilateral and took a long time. But still give assurance to the public, "explained him.

Sutarman added, investigators also are required to notify the cause not the completion of the case to reporters. "If penyidiknya does not process the case, of course we will change because it does not work optimally and professionally," he said.

In order to improve the service prima in grabbing the public's trust, Polda Metro Jaya build special space service examination. The room was created to serve the problem reporters who went to the police.

"The room is expected to improve the performance of the members, so as to be able to finish the report up to 100 percent," he said ending the conversation.

Report: Winda Yanti

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VIVAnews -Operation In 2011, Obedient Jaya Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate will make socializing the rules for pedestrians. Ticketed for sanctions would be dropped to Rp250 thousand pedestrians who get caught jaywalking is not on the Zebra, and a pedestrian bridge crossing the (JPO)

Not only that, the police also involved units of the Municipal Government of Pamong (Satpol PP) Jakarta to continue to provide the knowledge related to the Community rules.

"There hasn't been a ditilang while adhering to the Operation, because it is still in a Victorious phase of socialization," said Director Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner Royke Lumowa in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, 2011.

Royke says his side still perform together Satpol PP penindakan in the form of an appeal to the pedestrians in order to comply with existing rules. However, Royke confirms Satpol PP has the authority to direct menilang with or without the presence of police.

He explained the legal penindakan of pedestrians, and police have a legal basis Satpol PP.

Police hold to law No. 22 of 2009 about Traffic and Road Transport Section 1 General provisions of paragraph 26 and 27 which explains the obligations of pedestrians walking on the grounds specified.

While the criminal law for offenders is regulated in chapter XX of article 282 of the criminal provisions of the criminal confinement of not longer than 1 (one) month or a fine of Rp 250,000 per (two hundred fifty thousand dollars).

Although it has had a legal basis in the form of legislation, police have admitted Royke can do menindakan of law to the pedestrian in violation of. "Prohibition Signs for pedestrians has not been created by the Department of transportation Jakarta, so the police until recently only limited appeal. Unlike Satpol PP, based on the rule of the area, offenders could be subject to criminal sanctions, "as the star.

The head of the Department of transportation province of DKI Jakarta Pristono explains the legal basis Is penindakan for pedestrians who violate the rule is applicable local No. 12 of 2003 on traffic and Road Transport, Railways, rivers and lakes as well as the Crossings in the province of Jakarta.

In addition, the Word Is, there are Regional Regulations No. 8 of 2007 about public order. "Enforcement of the regulation was done by Satpol PP shortly after the regulation was published," he added.

In the area of public order Ordinance Chapter II Orderly Streets, River Transport and Road transport in article 2 paragraph 1 clear set of obligations of a pedestrian walking in place have been determined in accordance with the provisions of regulation perundang – invitation.

Whereas in paragraph 2 described everyone that will be required to use the means of crossing a bridge or penyebarangan or zebra crossing signs that have been provided.

For violators will be subject to the threat of criminal confinement briefest 10 (ten) days and the longest 60 (sixty) days or a fine of at least Rp. 100.000,-(one hundred thousand Rupiah) and most Rp. 20,000,000 (Twenty Million Rupiah). "Officers direct do News Satpol PP Proceedings to the breakers at the location of the scene," said ending the discussion Is. (adi)

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VIVAnews – Tobacco farmers, farmers ' cloves, workers and hawkers from the various regions of Indonesia berunjuk sense in front of the Istana Merdeka Street in North, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday, July 13, 2011. Participants of action meets the road and turn North on the road Veterans III.

Incorporated in the Tobacco Growers Association of Indonesia (APTI), the farmers were opposed to the Bill (the BILL) for controlling the impact of tobacco products for health and the draft Government Regulation (RPP) regarding the security of materials containing Addictive Substances in tobacco products.

In the action, farmers bring a variety of banners, faux tobacco leaf giant. In addition they also burn and sucking a cigarette in size large. Seems meengatakan that suck cigarettes were safe.

See photos tobacco farmers demohere.

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VIVAnews -Polda Metro Jaya traffic offenders during the crackdowns 10,001 two days conducting Operation Dutifully Jaya 2011. According to the head of the legal expertise of the upholding of the Metro Polda Jaya Traffic Directorate Assistant Commissioner of police Sudarmanto, from the date of 11-July 12, 2011, most offences committed by employees of the private sector with the number of stamping offence 6.049 violators.

"While second offenders most public transport drivers and the number of 2,287 violators. Then, students occupied the violation to the three most with numbers 624 violation, "said Jakarta Wednesday 13 Sudarmanto July 2011.

For students who violate all 549 cases, traders as much as 260 offenders, offenders and the CIVIL SERVANTS Trade Union 155 (civil servants) as much as 75 offenders.

While based on the type of vehicle, most violations remain ' dirajai ' by a motorist with a number of 6.891 violations. Then, the driver of mikrolet with 1,125 violators.

For public transport minibus, the offense reached 616 cases. Then take a taxi with 405 cases, truckers as many as 267 cases, private car driver as much as 255 violations, buses as much as 167 cases and pick up as many as 109 violations.

According to the most types of offence, Sudarmanto i.e. against the current total of 1,263 cases, not wearing a helmet as 1,345 case, violating as much traffic 1,176 cases, and in violation of the marka as 987 violations.

The rest of the busway line breaks, enter line 3 in 1, not wearing a seatbelt, breaking the stopline, and did not complete the paperwork the completeness of the vehicle.

According to the reports area, the location of the most prone to traffic violations is in East Jakarta with 1,750 cases.  Then followed the North Jakarta as 746 cases, Jakarta Pusat 709 cases and West Jakarta 600 cases.

In operation, a total of 4159 Driving License (SIM) and the vehicle Number Sign Letter 5.716 (VEHICLE LICENSE) confiscated. In addition, 120 units of motorcycles and 4 car units during shipment.

"The rest, 1,175 offenders given a reprimand," said Sudarmanto. (eh)

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VIVAnews -the local Government of DKI Jakarta claims to have trouble dealing with people who throw litter because employees who take care of the environment only DKI 80 thousand.

"This is by far the comparison with people who trash totaling millions," said the head of the Environmental Management Agency Region DKI Jakarta, Peni Susanti when encountered on the sidelines of the show's Green Festival, Cinere, Jakarta, Saturday, June 25, 2011.

Peni said that currently, Pemda DKI focuses for the opening of green open space in Jakarta. "The area south and East were the resapan, so that the role of the community is very important, let alone the community it was millions," he said.

He added, Pemda DKI was trying to save or open areas to become green space parks which can to resapan. "We target 13 per cent can be attained ownership of green space, the new right now, 9,36 percent" said Peni.

Peni expects, so that the public concerned to be able to open green space and waste matter.

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VIVAnews -Government Of DKI Jakarta in conjunction with the National Commission for child protection investigation team agreed to form a related case alleged mass in SD 06 contek Evening Pesanggrahan. The team is made up of Inspectorates provincial Government of Jakarta, the Indonesian Commission for child protection, Education, State University of Jakarta stakeholders , and other related.

Assistant Secretary of The Jakarta field of the welfare society, Mara Oloan Siregar, make sure the team will work independently and objectively.

"The purpose of the formation of this team in order to improve, not to find who is wrong. We will do improvements for the future, "said Mara Oloan Siregar after the meeting closed with the parents of students and the National Commission for child protection in the boardroom Assistant Regional, the building block of G, the Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, June 16, 2011.

Mara hopes the case alleged mass can be contek lessons, but does not affect the results of a National Exam. The reason, current JAWA has implemented an online system for registration of junior high school.

"Of course we give a guarantee of this effort should not interfere with pass and not lulusnya the students exam, because the PRIMARY UN already underway, and soon there will be announcements and it what it is," as the star.

Regarding the sanctions against the principal, teachers and supervisors are proven to be involved and guilty of this case, Mara spoke JAWA did not want to rush to drop the punishment.

"We don't want sanctions on teachers spouting. There are specific rules for the education of CIVIL SERVANTS and governing it, "he said.

Meanwhile, Irma Winda Lubis, parents of students SD 06 Evening building that his son was forced to give you a cheat sheet, hope this investigation team could open the light of the case.

"I call upon the human-human adults do not sacrifice the child only to adult ambition, which is not true that we adults who do not want to admit mistakes," he asserted.

Irma also asked for this issue is not berbuntut negative for the future of the nation. "Don't break the spirit of the sons of the nation to say honestly," he said. (eh)

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VIVAnews -Robbery accompanied by murder case in Depok, West Java, Saturday afternoon, June 15, 2011. A Chief branch of PT a. G, supplier of gas stove was found dead with wounds skewer. One more victim in critical condition and was undergoing treatment in hospital.

According to some witnesses, perpetrators of acts of robbery in daylight this is a man who dressed perlente. Using the long sleeve shirt.

The robbery happened on the way Prokalamsi, Bloom Jaya, Depok, West Java, reported the citizens to the police at around 2.20 PM. When done the identification, the bodies lying in the Novi Handayani entrance houses, while the Warp, the staff of the company was lying near his desk.

Novi is estimated to be killed due to run out of blood. Found more than five injured skewer in the body of the victim. Not much different from the condition of the Warp, which is currently still critical and are currently undergoing treatment in Hospital Partner family, Depok.

According to the head Unit Reskrim Polres Depok, Commissioner Azhar Nugroho, still conducted the investigation. Not yet known how loss of robbery. So far, from witnesses, perpetrators carry bag allegedly strong contains important documents of the company.

"The victim was the head of the branch, and the alleged strong we indeed robbery. There are important documents of the company were taken, for a while do not know how many losses, "said Azhar.

He also justify the perpetrator had pursued the citizens, after performing the action. He escapes with the jump to the roof of the House of citizens and towards the villages in the Krishna, Bloom Jaya.

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the beach? - Yes
the beach? - Yes

VIVAnews -Transport Minister Freddy Numberi will further coordinate with local authorities regarding the new rules of the road is paid or Electronic Road Pricing (ERP). The plan, there are five cities that will implement this policy.

"Later on there was further discussion with the Director General of transport by land," said Freddy Numberi in the President's Office, Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 24, 2011.

Freddy had hoped, the rules that can be realised this year. Freddy admitted temporarily, new rules that could be set up in Jakarta.

Freddy justify the existence of the plan of implementation of the road is paid in five major cities. "Later being compiled his SOUP. This is done so that traffic could breaks down, "said the Minister who is also Premier of the Democratic Party. The five major cities that will receive this policy i.e., Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and Surabaya.

Why Paid Street in five major cities applied it? According to Freddy, that policy is carried out in order for the management of traffic problems in big cities it can be resolved. "Because we have almost all the same thing," said Freddy who also former Minister of marine and Fisheries.

For in Jakarta, his plans when the rule is applied then it will be enforced on the locations of line 3 in 1. Bikers are prohibited entry into that location.

Riders will be diverted to use Transjakarta. For those who reluctantly boarded a Transjakarta could use private cars. Well, here's what the users private car will be priced at paid street locations.

As known, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a Government Regulation No. 32 in 2011 about management and Traffic Engineering.

This rule is an umbrella law for the Government, especially in the area, to implement a number of new traffic rules, inter alia the application of the electronic road pricing.

Next, the application of these rules will be submitted to the respective Governments of the provinces or regions. For example, if Jakarta would like to implement ERP, PP. became an umbrella law in applying them. (umi)

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Culinary Arts Schools and Career Changing
Culinary Arts Schools and Career Changing

VIVAnews -if you've been talking about its Jakarta did not.endless Starting from a standstill, the flood, junk, to means of transport. Complaints over the question of the capital is scattered across the social Web.

Unfortunately, all the complaints over, suggestions, and ideas that poured in that social networking can not be heard directly by the officials concerned. That's why at the Jakarta Fair, Pekan Raya Jakarta, the Government opened up the "box nyablak." The box is in Hall b. Size 1 x 1 metres.

According to the head of the field of Public information of the provincial Government of Jakarta, the grandson of Ahmad Kurnia, the idea to create ' Box Nyablak ' in order to welcome HUT Jakarta to 484 were derived from the desire to accommodate the ideas, suggestions, or criticism from residents.

"We want to involve the participation of the community in building the capital, because it's not just the responsibility of the provincial Government of Jakarta alone, if you want good, let's wake up together," said Grandson to

They are bitching, could go into "the nyablak". There they will answer a number of which will appear on the screen monitor. Varieties of the question. From the litter problem, if the program to do if you become Governor of DKI.

In this little box, provided a microphone, touch screen and a web-camera. Once inside, visitors will be greeted with the question "If the band so the Governor, what was the first elo lakuin?" on the screen monitor.

There are interesting things. The Video was recorded, will be uploaded to the Youtube page. In addition, visitors can also take pictures inside the box and the officer will print it out for free.

"There is a new year. In addition to the PRJ, there will also be held in the great mall of the Great Sale takes place at Jakarta later on. There are 10 boxes that will spread, "he said.

One of the visitors to your named Reysa, 26 years old, who came with his family welcomed the presence of "the nyablak". If during this Reysa can only fume in his Facebook status when jammed struck Jakarta, now she can participated provide input to the city.

"If I were the Governor, I would limit the use of private vehicles and supported by the means of transport which deserve," he said.

Others again with Heri, 35, father of two children who live in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. If so the Governor of Jakarta, he will add to the garden and reproduce trees, given the level of pollution the capital currently more severe.

"Just look at Jakarta now rarely there is a park, trees felled for the construction. Clean air is rare, "he added.

Interested to try the nyablak? Coming to Jakarta Fair.

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VIVAnews -application of the restrictions on vehicles with odd-numbered system is an attempt earlier before roadway policy paid or electronic road pricing (ERP) came into force. It confirmed the head of the Department of transportation, Jakarta Is Pristono.

According to Pristono, the application of the system with the odd-even license plate numbers, will be tested during Sea Games 2011 pageant was held in Jakarta in November at a later date, pending the dissemination system and the readiness of the public roads paid.

"It's being prepared his first paper, of course there has to be korelasinya with ERP. With the freak even it means we don't need sophisticated equipment in the near future, we can do it manually, "says Pristono in Jakarta's City Hall, Friday, June 24, 2011.

This system has been applied in a number of suskes major cities abroad, like Bogota, Beijing and Singapore. While in Jakarta, the odd-numbered system will be applied on line 3 in 1 and Jalan Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta.

The determination of this system is still considered to be the solution most appropriate to reduce the bottlenecks the capital in a short time ahead of the 2003 international sports.

"If the ERP takes time, whereas we are shortly going to welcome guests of State, so we have to prepare their way past arrangements," he said.

This policy will certainly tested after there is consent of the Governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo. In the near future, along with Ditlantas Dishub JAWA Polda Metro Jaya, will expose a study on this subject to the Governor. "If the Governor does not agree, yes we wait for ERP," he added. (eh)

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VIVAnews -enter the school holidays at the end of June to mid July 2011, police increased security in a number of tourist locations. According to the Director of Security Vital Polda Metro Jaya Object Commissioner Suntana, it've prepared tourist police personnel for patrols in some locations.

"The placement of personnel on location tours especially on the holiday season is already a regular schedule," he said.

Suntana explains, in the conduct of security, the police cooperate with internal security officers. "We make sure that some of the locations that became a tourist destination has been maintained," he added. It is intended to ensure the security of the visitor location jaunt. The location that became the focus of security, among others, Ancol, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Ragunan Zoo as well as a national monument.

Head of public relations Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner Baharudin Djafar said, safety of tourist locations are indeed already entered in the annual calendar Kamtibmas. So, he continued, these safeguards is indeed already a routine operation. "It is already included in routine operation, and placement of personnel is focused on location tours," he added.

Baharudin reveal, aside from location, officers also secured the line to tourist spots. "We also coordinate with the Police, such as West Java and Banten to security lines," he asserted.

According to him, there are some lines that will be populated mostly by the Jagorawi toll road like vacation, Tangerang Toll and the toll In the city towards the North Jakarta. Baharudin hope, in the holiday season this time do not occur something disturbing security.

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VIVAnews -Directorate of Traffic Police of the Metro Jaya Jakarta Provincial Government hopes to set rates that are very costly for the vehicle that you want to use the road facilities or Electronic Road Pricing Paid during rush-hour.

With expensive fares, it will be the consideration of the public not to use private vehicles.

"The implementation of the ERP was its purpose to parse congestion and arouse the public to use public transport. So does that has to be pegged as expensive as possible, "said the Director of Metro Polda Jaya Traffic, the Commissioner of police Royke Lumowa when contacted, last night

According to him the rate assessed for ERP around IDR 75,000 to Rp 10,000 fare Value to be [...] imposed such vehicles during peak hours at 06.00-09.00 am and 16.00 – 19.00 Wib.

Expensive fares should also be applied to a number of the parking facilities are located in the vicinity of the location path of the implementation of the Road Toll. Expensive fares all facilities will be a consideration Paid Way for people to use private vehicles from their homes.

Royke explained, the concept of the tariffs with the value of expensive materiel has been in effect in some countries such as Singapore, Manila and some European countries. That concept has managed to reduce the use of private vehicles. "The lack of a personal vehicle is a benefit to society and the State in terms of waste of fuel," he said.

Although the rates Paid for expensive Path, Royke guessed the number of vehicles is likely to stay a lot. However, the fares expensive it will also make local income increased, so that funds can be used again for the improvement of transport infrastructure.

However, he admitted there has been no regulation or LEGISLATION governing the area of transport of inputs to the development of transport.

Color System

Pending the implementation of ERP, Polda Metro Jaya hoped local governments issuing policy restrictions on vehicles with the system color (Pink, red, Brown, light blue) and dark (grey, dark blue, black). Restrictions with this easier in the system of supervision and not suck many officers. "This system would later exercise every door enter line 3 in 1 placed a number of officers," said Royke.

Meanwhile, the head of the Department of transportation for Government Jakarta Is Pristono said today his part with the law firm Jakarta provincial Government was discussing the draft regulation of the area as an umbrella law implementation of ERP.

Draft regulation of the area more to the rules of practice that is targeted for completion in late 2011. But he hopes the Finance Ministry can immediately issue a Decree regulating the types of fares and revenue from ERP.

Discharge of SK Ministry of finance will further enhance the rule of the area of ERP. "If there is no tariff charges, create ERP can't do," he said.

The value of the fare, the dial Is, will be issued by the Government through A decision of the Governor of Jakarta. SK new going out Governor's rule over the area of ERP has been legitimately established.

Relating to restrictions on motor vehicles in order to face the Sea Games, Is making sure a number of alternatives are currently still in the discussion. A number of alternatives that the restrictions of vehicles through the system colors and odd-numbered. "The first paper to be completed end of July and submitted to the Governor, and realized the next month," the Word Is. (umi)

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CommunityVIVAnews -Bogor back digegerkan with a circulation of sordid scenes that are perpetuated through a mobile phone. This time a video duration 5 minutes 48 seconds it contains scenes of an orgy does a guy with three women who are his age is estimated to be between 23-25 years.

Allegedly it's intentionally making video mesum video entitled "child% 20 new Bogor" formats such as 3gp. From video mesum obtained, clearly illustrated that was allegedly done sex scenes in a hotel that is located in the area of Bogor.

Kapolres Bogor Assistant Commissioner of police Hery Santoso confirmed his side had been getting information about the release of a video nasty in the area of law. He claims to be currently studying and investigating, beginning the release of the video was up to the community hand.

Not only that, he also ordered the Government to conduct Reskrim Polres deeper investigation and arrest the perpetrators of that sordid scenes of the video. "We will investigate who the offender in pornographic videos to find out the motives behind the spread of the video," said Hery Santoso when contacted, last night.

In addition, police officers also investigate the truth of the making of video mesum location in one of the hotels in the area of Bogor South Bogor West. "Judging from the record it seems in the villa or hotel, that we will investigate," he said. In his opinion, the offender can be charged video mesum laws pornography and MÉXICO.

List of Video Mesum in Bogor

The phenomenon of the release of a video nasty that lead to criminal acts often happen in wanton Bogor. Earlier, April 26, 2011, a new pair of video mesum anak gede (ABG) origin of the Village Center, village of Pabuaran, Kemang, Bogor regency back scattered and make citizens particularly tantrum Bogor.

The Video was made for 3 minutes 35 seconds spread disejumlah mobile citizens around through the Bluetooth facility. Video footage of a sordid titled Video files or Kampung Tengah Kamtek.

Later, 22 December 2010, the case of video mesum circulated with Operations Manager roles SH, 42, and BR, 28, Supervisor and one of the karaoke place in one of the largest mall in the city of Bogor.

Furthermore, 12 July 2010, the clerk also managed to secure the DA and LF, two people who allegedly video mesum. Both couples are still ABG was digelandang to the police station after a mesumnya video duration 20 minutes 9 seconds circulating and make citizens particularly tantrum Rumpin, Bogor regency.

Lastly, 7 July 2010, MA, 35, unscrupulous civil servants (CIVIL SERVANTS) who served in one of the Research Institute of agriculture in Bogor dibekuk Audit Unit officers and criminal (Satreskrim) Polresta Bogor, because get caught spreading video mesum with her lover. (umi)

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VIVAnews – Drug Polda Metro Jaya Directorate will bestow docket suspects AKP Abd al-Malik, Aipda-Kaabi, and Brigadier Bahri Afrianto allegedly involved embezzlement, drug evidence weighing 200 grams of shabu, the Jakarta High Attorney 's.

Formerly, entreaty pretrial asked the wife of a member of the Police Unit II Expertise I AKP Abdul Malik, Umiyati, related to the arrest and detention of her husband by Metro Polda Jaya Directorate of Drugs, was rejected by a single judge of South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, June 28, 2011 yesterday.

"The current docket finished third, but we are still waiting for the results of labfor. I am already coordinating with the labfor, the results were down this week God willing, "said the Director of Metro Polda Jaya Drugs Aji Nugroho Vitello in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 29, 2011.

Later, said Nugroho, the third file is not being made one suspect because each suspect has a different role. "We split saving the (fashion), in accordance with their respective roles. But for sure, the saving is finished, "he explained.

After completion, the docket will be submitted to the Jakarta High Attorney 's. Then after the file was complete, it will be followed by a two-stage pelimpahan, by handing over suspects and evidence. Next, just wait for the trial proceedings.

"We are already coordinating with the Prosecutor's Office. After the judge convicting concerned guilty, the trial will proceed with a code of conduct. If you later threatened dismissed or not, that we see later, "said Nugroho.

As mentioned on the mind power law Umiyati, Mohammed Professorpinch, who regret the decision of judge who did not consider the evidence in its entirety because only include one expert witness, Nugroho said that it was the right question.

"That's according to them. Now we're talking facts. The fact that the judge has already won us. The refusal of pretrial also proves that conducted drug and investigators Dit concerned detention, it is valid according to the procedure, "Nugroho explains.

The judge rejected the request for arrest and pretrial detention because of Umiyati, AKP Abd al-Malik was enough proof, based on the testimony of Brigadier Bahri Afrianto. Therefore, the arrest of Abdul Malik was declared have fulfilled Article 9 paragraph 1 of the CODE of CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.

In addition, the applicant's objections regarding the reason of the notice of the arrest and detention of her husband, Abdul Malik, unproven because of the way the shipping and the need to give the avalanche the detention to family, not provided for in the CRIMINAL CODE.

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VIVAnews-Newspaper Zh, boy age 6 years who suffer from HIV disease continues to be highlighted media after members of his family died of the disease. The Chairman of the RT where Chinese lived admitted disappointment with excessive coverage because it was feared could give psychological impact.

The Chairman of the RT 02/01 Wards Mampang, Pancoran Mas of Depok, Abdul Haris claims to be concerned with the preaching of the incline, some even stating Zh died. "The secret of the Actual Chinese public alone, it was not until preached, let alone any word he died. It's redundant "he exclaims in Depok, on Wednesday, June 29, 2011.

He thought if the preaching is to get the attention of the Government, as long as there is no problem for treatment because the Chinese have been aided by the citizens and Guarantee the health of the region. "There are the occasional help of citizens, own funds, in addition also Parade, Chinese still noted "he said.

Local citizens concerned to Zh. citizens also attempted to cover up the disease so that normal life can still be Mandarin. "The beginning of the first listen, his parents died in 2008. It was feared that the disease is declining to Zh. we all understand to be the disease (HIV) "said he.

As known, both parents died of HIV disease Zh. His father died when Chinese aged six months, then followed his older brother. After his mother, Mr., died after two years of the departure of her father.

Now the Chinese lived with my grandmother and grandfather. Though saddened by not getting the attention of the local government, and with limited costs, pengebotan for Zh continued to lived at Fatmawati Hospital.

For hospitalized, medical expenses borne by the Chinese family. His family only pays the total cost of Rp700ribu to reach Rp4,7 million. Some times the Chinese medical treatment with the health care Area (Parade) since six months ago. "But the validity period is up, now has to be treated using its own money," said grandmother Zh, Manih.

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