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Custom Commission Couch Painting

           You can have a canvas painting with the design of your couch or bedspread like the one above.

Lilies are right up there with roses as my favorites to look at and paint. Colorful paintings of lily flowers are one of the most beautiful, and graceful of all summer-blooming flowers you can place in your home.
There are numerous Lily varieties. But, among the Lily varieties , only groups like the Asiatics and Orientals are the most popular flowers and widely grown.
•Asiatic Lilies - small flowers, less fragrant, wide colors •Trumpet/Aurelian Lilies •Oriental Lilies - Have strong fragrances, few colors,larger, flowers •The Wild Lilies •Martagon hybrid Lilies - Edible and Esculent herbs •Candidum hybrid Lilies •American hybrids Lilies •Longiflorum hybrid Lilies - strong, sweet fragrance, large funnel shaped flowers, usually white.
Lilies are really excellent plants for beds and borders. Lilies are suitable for use in a shrub border, as accent plants, a formal or naturalized pool planting.
This has been a great summer for lilies in Missouri because the weather has been so nice with a lot of rain and not nearly as hot as it used to be (so much for global warming in Missouri). They are wonderful to look at in colorful paintings on canvas on the wall.

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