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Froggie's Silly Life's Work

The photo above is a picture of me when I am 4 years old...the other picture is a clip from my film a note of love that was a nostalgic sentimental recreation of the above...I am so sorry I have been away from my blog, though time and time again I keep telling myself to update it regularly, my life always seem to be swept with such a myriad of things to do that I always have to be on my toes....completing life's work...

Yes, ever since I was four, I was already trying my darnest to keep up with life's work. In the picture, I was probably drawing something that I saw or copying a storybook I like or just scribbling something that was important at that time down. Whatever it was had to be it seem much less important as I couldn't remember what I was doing then...but it's little ways it created the picture and from that picture I created this image of a boy drawing in my's work, life's work

What do I mean life's work? Well, it's work that I needn't bosses will kill me and my livelihood doesn't depend on it...but I do it out of a need to. There is this thing inside me that if I don't find myself busying about doing what it tells me to I will feel unfulfilled and lethargic....

I don't understand people who don't do life's work...and tell me that they are bored...I never find myself bored...lonely yes,in need of an escape from work most definately but never have I ever found myself sitting with nothing to do...cause in life there is so much to do...I'll always find something to do...start a new hobby, collect this, collect that, write this story...take that picture...go on a run....

My parents says I am a boy that everychair seemed to be full of needles and I am restless and unable to sit still...sometimes I wonder if I have mistakenly eaten an energiser battery when I am young...cause even late at night as I am weary i find myself wanting to do so much more...

Sometimes I do find myself quite worn out from life's work...but it's not the down and out depressive feeling...instead with a little self romanticism of the situation's a great feeling...I just allow myself to lay down on the floor and tell myself that I've done my life's now... :)

Do I make sense? How many of you feel the same about life's work?
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