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A friend today says she’s not in the mood to really talk today on msn because we often share intellectual topics. I said well if you need a shoulder let me know…I am not just all intellectual topics. Well, it seems nowadays we can easily go out and follow a career, a business lead or to discuss intellectual matters but we don’t open up our hearts for help…my friend then told me she’s sick, I asked her if it was physical, metal or emotional. Very often because of our muted lifestyle of office to home…we are not physically sick…but more mentally in need of a flexing or even emotionally and while physical ailments can be resolved with juices and vitamins, the latter is often worst…. Well, that’s a narrow deduction of her problem….I hope in being concerned I am not being condescending…

Well, let me just share my own problems….I was having a shit day yesterday and was being mean to some poor hapless counter attendant at the customer service of some big conglomerate with poor customer service… I wasn’t yelling but I spoke with a raised voice and I wasn’t at all nice but utterly rude because I was getting shit service. I was an ass but in my observation…ironically, saying things in a crude and impolite manner sometimes gets things done faster especially here in Malaysia cause stupidly enough when people get intimidated…they actually take your words with some weight…but that’s another blog altogether…

Now I was feeling shitty…I wished I had been the bigger person and kept my cool and because of my self loathing I felt sickly in the afternoon with an aching back and a headache…and loafing on my sofa with National Geographic running on the tele didn’t help but it’s essential in any case of temporary hot bloodedness to have some downtime….but then by mid afternoon at 4pm or so I told myself to get up and get a grip…I pulled whatever happiness I can muster to give myself that little strength to get up first because lying there is not gonna make me feel any better. Then I wanted to do gardening…cause it always help me.

And then…it rained….

But I didn’t care and garden anyway.

To my surprise…the water splattering on my body actually took away my worries bit by bit as they sprinkle off…and the cold air chilling my body was numbing my pain and sorrows. It was wonderful…and as my body shivered slightly in the cold…it shake my tightening nerve loose…hmm…why didn’t I do this sooner…now I wonder how getting struck by lightning will feel like…(kidding…kidding…)

Well…yeah, God’s kind remedy, honestly how many of us really do get wet in the rain nowadays and smile at it…it’s really therapeutic…for froggie at least…and it’s free. So yeah, that’s what I wanna share…

Yes, am waiting for another sign of raindrop as I write this… ;P

FROGGIE GENERAL WARNING : Not advisable in thunderstorms…and do let some rain fall first before indulging…the first few minutes of rainfall typically brings down the bad stuff floating in the air….
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