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While the Senegalese people to dies, the politicians are smiling!

While the Senegalese people are dying ...
in Joal Mayor Paul Ndong and his right arm, I sell a lot, I build on it and some annéees later they sell my property to my knowledge and shaves my house! While Joaliens die of hunger, thirst, no care, no toilet, no home, living under sheets, and these politicians are not to be pitied, their children do their school in France or the United States, and live very close and proceeded aisements four four .. Etc ... While the people suffer only one day ... But he rebelled against the systems of another world and I'd be with the people that I love! !

No health has Joal Fadiouth pollution of the sea and the earth

Joal is one of the cities that not have a system of drains, resulting in precarious hygiene conditions. While 84% of water are thrown into the sea, some is spread on highways. Added to this is the garbage heap, which significantly degrades the environment.
The access to clean water is another given the level of hygiene. 24% of households fish processors have an indoor tap. But most others (52%) are supplied by outside faucets. The consumption of well water is very low. The use of latrines is not common in Joal, 33% of households do have not. They either use public facilities or latrines neighboring households or nature. Although few, lost pits increase the contamination of groundwater. Since 84% of sewage is dumped into the sea and the beach is also used for the needs of nature, we doubt that the cleaning water more contaminated fish during landing. Processing techniques used to craft the tracks highlight the deteriorating conditions of sanitation and hygiene. And what does the City of Joal?
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