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I was initially hesitant to go to Seaworld because at USD 71 for a day pass including an backstage was a tad pricey after our 3.3 currency conversion which brings it up to RM234. I think you'll agree it's a tad dear especially for us poor Malaysian traveller...however in terms of USD, I think it's a reasonable price. So off I go to Seaworld. Off to see SHAMU!

Shamu is actually the original whale that performed at Seaworld until she died in August 1971 however Seaworld maintained the name Shamu as a stage name for all performing orcas. As I stepped into Seaworld, I rushed immediately to the Shamu show. Yes, I came all the way to see the killer whales.

The show was called 'Believe' and for me that word was a very powerful word that encapsulate passions and dreams. This show better be good. So as I sat down in anticipation...I could only expect to be moved...

I am very happy to say that the people at Seaworld really know how to put on a show...with a combination of storytelling, animal training, music and showmanship...the show Believe was in short, 'awe-inspiring'. They cleverly showed a video of conservation effort with uplifting music and that totally set the mood while bringing out the theme of the rest of the show which was about the meeting and the bonding of two worlds...that of the animal kingdom and us.

And maybe I have a soft spot for animals but i really think that it is beautiful almost miraculous
show with a good underlying message of bond between two worlds... What was being presented was a combination of skill, hard-work and incredible music/whale/performer coordination. More importantly, it was also a testament to how moving it is emotionally when you see the height of greatness passion and love can go...

It was a great always be passionate and follow your dreams and as in the title of the show...believe...

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