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What Can Lighten Hyperpigmentation

In my practice of drawing, the movement is very important, also the rhythm, so I'm interested in a video work based on the drawing moving or animated, and his technique.
By watching the old cartoons that I really understood the movement in the animation. In "Cinderella" from Walt Disney, I noticed a manufacturing defect that allowed me to understand the movement and how to make a cartoon. In one scene, the Cat "Lucifer" is operating in the area of the screen, but it is fixed and moving at the same time. This means that the previous motion pictures are visible and persist for some time before disappearing, then I felt the drawing in motion.
The layer is the material that is used especially in making cartoons and I'm re appropriate.
Its quality plastic, translucency, enables me to obtain a monochrome gray, light and contrast, translucency and opacity, by accumulation of leaf layers - first cut here - arranged on a light table .
In this animation work, the rhythm is essential and quasi-static nature of the questions on the possible image and animation brings the viewer into a position of contemplation .. This animated video dem ande the viewer to stay a certain time in order to observe the movement of a landscape of clouds, like when you look at a cloudy sky, there was a feeling of stillness, that after a moment of contemplation that we perceive the movement of clouds. So I take the foot of the animation cons of trying to give the illusion of movement. You can watch a clip of this video on
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