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Materiales free DGT

have long wanted to do a post commenting on a series materials published by the DGT and can be ordered free of charge. I recently collaborated on a conference that the DGT has done Cambados and they gave me samples of these materials. I told them if there is any problem in uploading to my blog and I have said always read their origin shall not create any problem. Gradually
the ire showing you because I believe it is necessary to disseminate them are interactive materials in digital format and well designed for our children. They come for different levels and many of them are perfectly adapted to the SPC pictograms. Look at them and if you like you just have to keep in mind to apply for chelates can obtain copies of each publication will depend on stock availability at all times:
Department of Education and Outreach of the General Traffic Directorate.
Phone: 91 301 83 20. Fax: 91 301 83 80.

Driver Education for pupils with NEAE
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