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Unusual Colorful Artwork Are Therapy

Unusal Colorful Art
This is one of my favorite types of unique, unusual art to create. I have done so many in countless shapes and sizes and just looking at the color makes me feel better. This colorful artwork lifts my mood looking at the colors. When you come to realize how vast the possibilities, man made theories seem absurd and the awesomeness of the creator floods in your soul. Imagine a jet plane or a Rolex watch evolving from soup. Where did the soup come from? Everything has to have a creator.
This is unusual art that makes colorful wall hangings! They become conversation pieces. They brighten up any room. I have even put some on t-shirts and they are cool. Hope you like them.
Pick one up for yourself or a gift. Send me an email with art in the subject line. I use Pay Pal so it is
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