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East meet west!!! Can die!!!

There are times I wish time would just take it's time or stop altogether...ussually it's a moment of bliss or pleasure...

Right about now, I wish time would just's like 7.10 am, I have been awake the past hour or so despite having slept only at 4 am. why? well I cannot sleep...too much pain on my back....why?

I took a fall a few days's one of those falls whereby you get up and have a moment of hard breath plus you get a monotonous and scary buzzing sound in your ears....and everthing around you seem surreal....

I immediately took myself up and over to a place to sit...I was back though not acutely was in irritable pain...My friends would know that I am a big fan of action and falls are like badges of honour for me...but I am also cursing this's a deceivingly simple fall, somewhat expected but something wrong happen and right about now I am in pain...

It's a weird pain...My back feel really stiff and with movement there's this spread out numbing pain... I feel slight spasm going through my body...and yet no marking like blue-blacks or any particular numbspot for that matter.I've been seeing both Eastern and Western's funny how they say different things...

Eastern...rub with medicated oil, keep the circulation going and keep it warm

Western...don't rub...the last thing you want to do is to aggravate it...and keep it cold so the inflamation will reside...

Needless to say I am dumbfounded...silly me for wanting two opinions...I guess my friends summed it up best..."if you take both eastern and western medicine you can die !" I hope I survive the impending treat of death...sigh...


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