VIVAnews -Single family in Pancoran Mas, Depok, West Java, is infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Three members of a family consists of father, mother and son died of the disease. Now the only remaining Zh, a six-year-old son to ' inherit ' disease there has been no cure.
A woman living with my grandmother and grandfather. Zh diagnosed HIV positive since the age of three years. Shortly after Mr., his mother, died in 2009.
Previously, Rdw, father Zh, died of the disease. Shortly thereafter, Mt, his brother, also blow away the last breath.
"His father died when Chinese aged six months. Shortly thereafter, his older brother also died. After that, his mother, "says Ny Nyaimanih, 63 years old when found in his house, Mampang, Pancoran Mas, Depok, Tuesday, June 28, 2011.
In shining pink Mickey Mouse cartoons, Zh looks cheerful play with his age. Laughter is a thrill.
Zh is known to suffer from HIV after her doing a check of blood. Then treated at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta. "I'm freaking out because he said it was an ugly disease, there is no cure. He was treated in Hospital, "said Nyaimanih Famawati.
Early symptoms, Chinese suffered heat, dizziness, difficulty in breathing and mouth moldy. Every out drink milk always throw up. In a night could twice threw up, waste water, buttocks and knees were hurt as well as many red spots on the all over his body. "It turned out positive doctor said. Thank God the child mentally that strong, "added the woman who always greeted Manih.
For hospitalized, medical expenses borne by the Chinese family. Manih pay only Rp700ribu of the total costs reached $ 4.7 million. Chinese have treated regularly every month. His grandson got help Manih thankful of treatment from the Government of the city of Depok health coverage through the area (Parade) since six months ago.
"But the validity period is up, now has to be treated using its own money," said Manih. His six grandchildren it feels heavy because he didn't have a job. While her husband was just a farmer. (umi)
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