VIVAnews -implementation of the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (E-TLE) or ticketed electronics in red-light quarter of the way MH Thamrin Sarinah department store front, Central Jakarta, lowering the number of traffic offences, such as violation of road markers and traffic light.
Based on data reported by the Directorate of traffic is Metro Polda Jaya, up to June this offense down about 48,4 per cent. The percentage is derived from a comparison between the three months before and after the installation of a speeding ticket.
"In accordance with the data that we receive until 23 June, the level of effectiveness of E-TLE is significant. 48,4 per cent decline occurred violations of before and after the installation. With E-TLE feel terawasi, "said Kasi Penindakan breach of the Directorate of Traffic Police Commissioner Metro Polda Jaya Andhie Santika Jakarta, Tuesday, June 28, 2011.
Adhie spoke, three months before the installation happens 942 violation and markers 1,131 violation traffic light. Whereas three months after installation, the number of violations of the marka decreased to 458 and violations of the traffic light be 611. "If before installation, there were 2,073 total offense but after installation of the E-TLE is dropping so 1069 violations," he said.
Though proven effective reducing traffic violations, Andhie said that up to now it has not implemented the sanctions are speeding tickets to offenders. "We've limited sent a letter to violators. Once at the beginning of the installation of an average 50-100 seharinya can we send mail but now most only 10 letter, "he said.
Andhie recognized, one of the obstacles still facing the image quality is not optimal technology. This makes the clerk still trouble detecting plate violators.
"The quality of technology has not been in accordance with the expected picture. Sometimes it makes us trouble viewing the license plate number but if pilot project was perfect, we will develop into other areas, "he added.
If the later installation of E-TLE has been perfect, Andhie speak sanctions ticketed will be accompanied by blocking VEHICLE LICENSES when the violators of its obligations to pay a fine mangkir amounted at Rp500 thousand per violation of marka and traffic light.
"If you don't want to pay will be blocked at the time of payment VEHICLE LICENSE. This is in accordance with article 287, paragraph 2 (traffic light) and 1 (road) of the ACT of 22 2009 on Traffic and Road Transport. Each offence was fined a maximum at Rp500 thousands, "he said.
Later, the community continued, with Adhie began an orderly passed-traffic, the number of accidents can be dropped and no longer trades on the path between the user of the vehicle and the officer. "Later we hope no more peaceful terms and bribing police and her final destination number collision could be decreased," he said.
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