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FBI Releases Data Secret UFO, 11/9, and B.I.G

VIVAnews -Federal Bureau of investigation-United States or the FBI updated his website on the internet. A number of documents related to the mystery that many so public like Al Capone question, B.I.G, terror 9 September 2001, and UFOs has also uploaded. preach, more than 2,000 digital documents added on the 'The Vault', the electronic reading room which can be accessed on the interesting pages

"This new Website we significantly increase the number of FBI documents, increase the speed of a file can be accessed, as well as providing search services," said David Hardy, head of the FBI'S Data Management Division.

Following a number of interesting documents that can be accessed by the public as reported by the

1. the UFO

One of the related document, special agent Hottel Guy who served in the FBI'S Washington, which sent a memo about flying saucers in Roswell to the Director of the FBI in March 1950.

"The air force Investigator stated, what is said as the three flying saucers have been found in New Mexico," written in the memo dated March 22, 1950.

"Object was described as a circular object with the Center, its diameter is about 50 feet. Each contains three sentient flying saucers--similar man-but it is only three feet, wearing metallic smooth. They wear costumes like paratroopers or exercise flying. "

Also written in the document, "according to the informant, Mr. (removed), the flying saucers were found in the New Mexico associated existence of high-powered radar in the area. It is believed that interfere with radar control mechanism of the flying saucers. No further evaluation of SA (deleted) related to it. "

2. Carl Sagan and forecast hit the Columbia Aircraft

One of the documents in 1983 related to the incident of the Columbia space shuttle accident. Famous astronomer, Carl sagan claimed to receive a letter that gives the information that the terrorists sabotage the Columbia.

In the document is written: on November 23, 1983, there will be terror attacks with the target market or warehouses that distribute free food to the crowd in San Salvadore. It was a diversion for the attack to the storage of fuel nearby. It is said, if the Columbia aircraft flying on schedule, the explosion caused the leakage of fuel. "

The information is coming from someone named ' Mr. Springfield ' but the only person with that name in the area had died 10 years earlier. Meanwhile, Sagan himself died in 1996, seven years before the Columbia exploded on the way home from his mission to-28.

3. terror attacks of 9/11

Some documents contain detailed chronology of the hijacking before 9 September 2001, including the withdrawal of money from an ATM, the activity of the phone, and flight training in Florida, New Jersey, and other places.

Document the chronology of events 'Hijacker timeline' contains 150 pages that explain the details of anyone that terrorist and jejaringnya. Beginning with Mohamed Atta, the crash of American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre building. Documents released everyone complete with the origin, date of birth, their movement also admits the action of terror.

4. the murder of the Notorious B.I.G

This is an unsolved murder case. Rapper came, the original name of Notorius B.I.G is Christopher Wallace, was shot dead in March 1997. FBi agents participated in the penyelidkan two years to find who the perpetrators of the shooting.

The investigation that ended in early 2005, after the federal prosecutor concludes there is not enough evidence to continue the case. This decision was made after FBI agents in Los Angeles, San Diego and New York to track people who could potentially be a suspect or a witness who became a point of light cases that occurred over a few months after the murder rap superstar Tupac Shakur, who was shot dead in Las Vegas.

An informant told the FBI, the killing of the policemen allegedly assisted B.I.G corrupt. Some files were removed mentioning sources inevitably review Los Angeles police about the death of B.I.G. they suspect, police contracted the cancer of corruption.

5. Gangster and pop culture

Visitors to the latest FBI system could also be looking for specific topics such as: counterterrorism, era gangster and pop culture. There, they will find files of the FBI that discuss specific subjects like Osama bin Laden, George "Machine Gun" Kelly, and Malcolm X.

Some files even including handwritten documents are searchable at this time. (umi)

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