VIVAnews -When the doctor Arun Mullaji, orthopedic surgeon of the Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, India did a knee replacement surgery, he slipped a set iPod to coat bedahnya. However, he did not listen to music.
"Surgery with computer tools have done for years. However, the system used is quite troublesome process of operation, "said Mullaji, as quoted HindustanTimesof April 17, 2011. "Surgery with the help of the computer has the level of accuracy of 90 to 95 percent, but this increases the accuracy and the way by precise measurement to the next level," he said.
iPod, Word Mullaji, easier to use and provide a level of accuracy and precession is equal to the computer. During the experiment, Mullaji knee replacement surgery against Gulab Sanghvi, 75 years, with the help of DASH of Smart Instrument System.
iPod charged doctor connected wirelessly via a WiFi connection to a camera. DASH of Smart Instrument System then will tell the doctor through the screen of the iPod is right about where and how the surgery needs to be done and where to put the bone joints.
"Paramedics could determine the position of the parallel between the joints with the foot through the screen of the iPod," said Mullaji. "From the research is well known that when computer technology is used to help the operations of surgery, the patient is not too joints feel the pain and loss of blood in a bit more," he said.
When used, the screen iPod shows position, angle, size of each point as well as movement sensors connected to it. "Navigation using iPod help system in giving the position of the bone joints with point precision to 0.1 millimeters," he said.