Mc Donald is everyone's friend....we all roughly know the words to his song....Mc D-O-N-A-L-D-S...Mc D-O-N-A-L-D-S I thought I'd write to him and tell him that his burgers are not up to par these days....
Well...the busy Ronald can't really be faulted as he does have a busy day making us all happy...and not to mention healthy, with his invention of reputedly 'wholesome' recipes. So, I decided to just tell him in case he was unaware of the recent drop in quality control....
The note read as follows....
Dear Ronald Mac Donald,
As your friend, I just thought I'd tell you that some of your products need more quality control....either that or you have one awesome photographer....cheers.
Do you guys wanna tell Ronald anything too? Let's speak up!